
Easter Service

This Sunday,
@ 10:30 am online
(can log on as early as 10:20)

Connect via Zoom:
Connect via telephone: To listen use tWebinar ID: 159 366 964 and dial either: 1 301 715 8592 or 1 312 626 6799

Note from Linda

Dear friends,
This Easter Sunday will be unlike any I have ever experienced and I suspect that is true for most of you. No new Easter dresses; no big family gatherings. Many will spend the day alone. All that pales in comparison to the mounting deaths from the virus holding us hostage in our homes, our way of life changed, dramatically, for —how long? If ever we needed a message of Easter hope, this is it. The proclamation of Easter Day is a message of hope—not just easy optimism—but hope that helps us see this moment in context, hope that gives us a sustaining purpose. Just the act of joining together, even if it is a "virtual" gathering, is a hopeful act so please join us this Sunday online. The link to get on Zoom is above this note.  "Arrive" as early as 10:20 and send us a chat to let us know you are present. It means a great deal to everyone to see your chat pop up! It will give me such joy to celebrate this Easter with you! With peace and blessings to you all, Linda

Our friend Robert Alexander
passed away on March 22. 

Robert Alexander and his wife, Juliet,  attended our church several years ago until Robert became ill. He died on March 22. He was 81 years old. Juliet let us know that he lost his strength over time, but he always had his sense of humor and his compassion to share with the people around him. Our condolences go out to Juliet.


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