
Today we traditionally gather together for Good Friday. We have included a Good Friday worship for you to experience today via video and have included additional prayers, thinking questions and a short reflection for Holy Week also.  Sunday's special Worship at Home Messenger will include a worship video you can watch from a link attached or from a Facebook Live viewing party where you can interact directly with Sheri and Eric in the comments! We are sorry about the delay in last week's Facebook Live party. There is so much to learn as we become better at reaching you!

Following the orders, direction and faithful leadership of Dr. Hinshaw, we want to remind you that group gatherings are just not safe at this time. We know Easter is a time to be together with family and friends but, for now, we encourage you all to  reach out to others in creative ways. We don't have to be alone. Make a phone call, have an online visit, wave to neighbours on your physically distanced walks. We are together in faith - and that is enough for this season of celebration. 

Continuing Education
Rev. Eric will still be taking his Continuing Education next week(Monday-Monday). He will still be available for Pastoral Care and any emergencies. Wednesday's online Bible Study will proceed as usual as well.

Church Facility
Please note: At this time the Church building is closed to the public and for all rental groups. For the time being, all user codes are deactivated so that we can maintain security. If you need access to the church, please email the office and Charlotte will provide you with a temporary code.
Please join us!
Thank you to all who joined this week - we would love to have more people join in - it is so wonderful to see your faces! Though necessary physical distance separates us, social connection has never been so important. We have created several small group opportunities for you during this time. 

Care Revolution Small Group
Time: Mondays 1:00 - 1:30 pm
Zoom link:
Participants: Open to all
Summary: Weekly devotional, prayer and discussion with a focus on finding and bringing hope in our current world. Each week will include a challenge for how to live in the world. 
Leader: Sheri
Dates: April 13, April 20, April 27, May 4

Just For Kids - Everyday Camp
Time: Everyday at 9:00 - 10:00 am  
In this time the United Church's Go project is doing an amazing virtual camp for kids across the country! 
Have you child join this virtual camp lesson each weekday from 9:00-10:00 am for kids in grade 1-6
Each weekday for the foreseeable future, GO in partnership with our friends at Living Presence Ministry will host an hour of camp. Storytelling, special guests, crafts, games and more! Simply click the link to join the Zoom call with your kids!
Zoom link:
Parents: By clicking this link you consent to your child(ren) joining a public, virtual form. We will have an assigned monitor each day making sure only children in grades 1-7 and their parents are participating.

Time: Tuesdays 3:00 - 4:00 pm
Zoom link: 
Participants: registered youth
Summary: Explore, discuss, and examine topics of faith, church history, Christian morality, prayer and more in this 6 week session for youth in grades 7 - 10 leading towards Confirmation when we can gather again.
Leaders: Sheri, Nicole and Eric
Dates: April 14, April 21, April 28, May 5

Bible Study - #WednesdayWisdom 
Time: Wednesdays 3:00 - 4:00 pm
Zoom link:
Participants: Open to all (adult oriented)
Summary: Weekly study of the book of Proverbs for adults looking to delve deeper into the meaning of the Bible.
Leader: Eric
Dates:  April 15, April 22, April 29, May 6

Thirsty Thursday
Time: Thursdays 10:00 - 11:00 am
Zoom link:
Participants: Open to all
Summary: Get together at a safe distance for our normal gathering of people sharing a cup of hot coffee, great company and all the joys and sorrows of our lives. 
Leader: Drop In
Dates: Thursday morning - until we can be in person again.

Creative HeArts <3
Time: Thursdays 1:30 - 2:30 pm 
Participants: Open to all
Summary: Online guided artful meditation. No experience or special materials required! If you have a pencil you have all you will need! Join as you are able. Come to one. Come to all. Drop in. All ages and abilities welcome.
Leaders: Sheri and Charlotte  
Dates: April 16, April 23, April 30, May 7, May 14

Youth Group 
Time: Friday 6:30 pm
Zoom link: Youth - Check your email!
Participants: Youth grades 7 - 12
Summary: Online Games Night and Online Shared Movie Night 
Leader: Nicole
Dates: April 17


Our outreach committee is hard at work keeping up their important work in our community. Here are some things they would love you to know about:

Lenten Project Update
As we finish up our season of Lent giving, we are pleased to share with you that Outreach is donating $500 to the Drop In Centre on behalf of the congregation, in response to the request brought forward in the Lenten Reflection Book. Please hang onto any collections you might have made during Lent and we will collect and deposit those monies for the Drop In when health measures permit us to do so. Thank you!

Thank you to Karin K for making and delivering some cloth masks to WUC this past week. There are about a dozen masks that are available to anyone in our community who would like one to wear while grocery shopping etc. (Please note, cloth masks are used only to prevent the spread of Covid.) If you would like a mask, please contact the church and Outreach can deliver one to you. 

There are some famous Outreach Soup Mixes still available for those wishing to purchase. Prices are:
Barley Mushroom $4 and Chicken Noodle $3. Thank you to Charlene for coordinating orders and deliveries for these. Please connect with her directly or 403-242-0610 to place an order.

Mental Health
There is a program for people struggling with the anxiety and fear surrounding Covid-19. The following is an excellent resource for adults, children, and families alike. There is a $10.00 cost associated with these online program and Outreach has made funds available to offset the costs for those who are interested but needing financial support at this time. Please connect with the office to access this assistance. 
Thank you to those who shared past memories and moments from last week! 
This coming week we would love you to share a current or past "Easter Best outfit" What are you wearing to church? How are you celebrating the season of Easter?  Send us your stories, pictures, links and more to us at 
Click for Good Friday 2020 Worship Service 

I have heard these days described as strange, unheard of, slow, fast, long and way too short. Our realities are all different. We have time to spare but sometimes not at all. One thing we have for sure is a life different than we have had before. Maybe it's kids underfoot more than ever or the deep pain of missing family milestones or community. I know it is hard to be apart - I know that the reassurance we are doing this distancing to protect each other and stay safe goes a long way but does not take away the grief and pain. I want to give you words of hope that no matter what, we really are in this together. No time like Easter is it possible to feel hope in our world. I pray that in the coming days you can feel the warmth of the sun and the love felt through a phone call. Hope is the gift of Easter we can feel and focus on in this time. Although we celebrate Holy Week this year while social-distancing, this sacred time is an invitation to grow closer to God. If the isolation of the grave could not hold Jesus, then social-distancing cannot keep the faithful from God and the graces of Holy Week. We do church differently for now - but one thing you could do this week is set a sacred space in your home to worship may help you engage more fully in Church. This can be done simply, with items you already have. Consider lighting a candle, perhaps place an open Bible on a table. Next, actively participate. Respond as usual sing loud and proud - pray alone and together. 

Yours in hope, 


Our blessings to you and yours this Easter - may hope fill your day and your week. 
Hope is being able to see the light despite all of the darkness - D. Tutu


Scripture for Easter Sunday
Matthew 28: 1-10

You are welcome to find the words in your bible, read them a couple of times to yourself. Try out load and silently, read it slowly with pause. Pick out a word or two that stand out for you. Write those down and think about what they mean to you. 


Lord, you set your face towards Jerusalem
and walked alongside those who suffer.
Be our vision that we too may walk the way of the cross
and extend a hand to those we meet.
Lord, give us the gladness of your help
And support us with a willing spirit.

Lord, you said, "The first shall be last and the last first."
Be our vision that we too may work towards your kingdom
when the exalted will be brought low and the lowly exalted.
Lord, give us the gladness of your help
And support us with a willing spirit.

Lord, you took time to pray and time to be silent.
Be our vision that through our prayers, fasting and almsgiving
we too may draw closer to you and find your way.
Lord, give us the gladness of your help
And support us with a willing spirit.

Lord, you entered Jerusalem with peace in your heart.
Be our vision that we too may desire peace where others desire war,
and may work for justice where injustice reigns.
Lord, give us the gladness of your help
And support us with a willing spirit
For you are our hope and our salvation.

Thoughts and questions to ponder:

Why did Jesus have to die?
What does a resurrection look like?

How can we bring the gospel to life in our communities which can be feeling grey and weary?

Please call the office 403-249-3121 or email us at to request assistance with anything at this time
Copyright © 2020 Woodcliff United Church, All rights reserved.

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5010 Spruce Drive SW T3C 3B2

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