

The Timid Friend
I don’t know about you, but there have been times when I have been embarrassed or a little nervous and uncertain about letting people know what I really think. So many people today are extremely loud about with their opinions, whether it be a sports team, a politician, or a favorite car, their opinion is always best. No matter what you say, they are always right, and they refuse to see things from any other perspective. 

“Get a grip!” we want to scream. “You aren’t always right!” 
If only…

So, we silently talk back in our head or secretly wish that we could prove the other wrong, but going up against them in a debate is foolish and they have a way of making others think we are the fool instead of them.

I don’t know what it was about Joseph of Arimathea that caused him to be timid about his belief in Jesus, but something sure did. The Bible says that it was out of fear of the Jews that he was a “secret” disciple of Jesus. Yet, I think he isn’t the only “secret” disciple out there. I think there are many in our generation that secretly wish they could let others know they are a disciple of Jesus, but they, like Joseph are just to concerned about what others might say or do. 

Well, the final straw fell on that camel and broke its back While Joseph was hiding the truth that he believed Jesus to be the Messiah, the Son of God, he let things go too far. As a member of the Ruling Council in Jerusalem, he would have been called upon to help make the determination about the fate of Jesus after He was escorted from the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives to the Court of the High Priest in Jerusalem that fateful night of the Passover. 

He should have spoken out. He should have rejected the accusations. He should have testified to Jesus’ innocence. Instead, it appears, he remained silent and Jesus was on His way to Golgotha for His crucifixion. 

He was too late! Jesus was dead! All was lost!

Or was it?

This Sunday as we celebrate Easter, the Resurrection of our Lord, my message will explore what Joseph did to enable us to celebrate today the life that is everlasting.

Taking Church to the Community

Well, I’m sure that the reality of what has been called “Social Distancing” is beginning to set in. Your world has changed, if not totally, at least to a degree that you recognize there is a difference. But that doesn’t mean that the Church of Christ is to lie dormant. It is in times such as these that we are mobilized to do more for the Kingdom than ever thought possible.  

So, how are we being the Church when we are sequestered to our homes? Let me encourage you to become the voice in the wilderness. While it may seem lonely and desolate, you are not alone. You have the technology and equipment right in your hands to make a difference. “Reach out and touch someone” was the slogan for AT&T telephone company in 1979. That little jingle had everyone singing and dialing up family and friends over their telephone lines. It demonstrated that we are as close as a phone call away.  

So, what are we doing at First Christian Church in Union? That’s a great question! Well, the elders and the ministerial staff have continued to pray about how we can continue to minister to our community in Christ without meeting as a large gathering at our facility.

So, this is what we feel is the best way of serving our community here at FCC:

Sunday Morning

  • Again, we will have a Sunday morning video streaming on Facebook for you to watch and connect with at 10:00 am. A link to the video will be posted on our Facebook page and will also be sent out through an email.
  • Also, we will post our video on YouTube at 10:00 am for those who want to view it in different formats. Search for FCC Union on YouTube and subscribe to our channel. 

Community Groups

  • We are continuing to ask that our Community Groups along with our Children’s and Youth Ministries continue to be a part of each other’s lives throughout the week via video chats through Facebook Messenger, Zoom or Google Hangout. You may even use the archaic method of using the phone or the even more ancient method of letter writing to stay connected.

Other Ministry Meetings

  • Upcoming meetings such as the Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study, Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study, Celebrate Recover, ALICE Safety Training Meeting, etc. are still canceled until further notice.

Daily Facebook Podcast

  • You might try and catch the church staff throughout the week as they post some short videos communicating what’s on their hearts and encouraging you to dig deeper into the Word of God while you’re physically distancing from others.

Volunteers in Action

  • We have established a ministry team of volunteers who are willing to serve those who are shut-in by getting things from stores, pharmacies, etc. If you’d like to be a part of that team or if you have a need, please let the church office know by email (,, or phone (636) 583-5839 or my personal cell phone (573) 378-9429.

Giving of Tithes

  • Giving of tithes and offerings is still a vital part of our ministry and we ask that you prayerfully consider your participation in that. While it’s not the same passing the offering bags on Sunday morning, I want to share with you some ways in which you can continue to bless this ministry.
    1. You can mail in your check to First Christian Church, 150 Joel Ave., Union, MO 63084.
    2. You can set up giving through your bank to have a check mailed to us.
    3. You can go online through the church website ( or by using the Church Center App. To use these processes, you will need to simply follow the steps to set it up. If you need some assistance, we can help you at the church office, just give us a call.
      1. But we want you to understand that while the online giving is easy, not all methods ensure the greatest amount of your donation gets to the church account. Choosing to donate through your bank account ensures that most of your donation goes to the church.
      2. If you choose debit/credit card there is a small percentage fee (usually between 2-4%) of your donation that is deducted from what we receive. The Bank Account method is the cheapest way of donating.

Until we’re able to meet face to face, may you continue to grow in your faith and influence for the cause of Christ, daily.


Don’t practice “spiritually distancing.” Communion is a key component of a Christian’s worship experience.  It observes the central focus of our faith, -- the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Again, this week at 10 am our worship service will be posted on Facebook.  You are invited to virtually attend. Grab your Bible and gather your family around the computer, or cell phone and listen to words of encouragement in troubled times. 

This Sunday we are planning time to focus on communion. Your part is to supply the communion juice and bread.  You can use saltine crackers or homemade unleavened bread.  Making your own unleavened bread would be a fun project for the kids at home. You can find recipes online. If you don’t have that, use any bread or type of juice you have. 

Here are a few Scriptures to read and have ready to share with your family when we come virtually together this Sunday. Matthew 26:26-29, John 20:19-20, John 20:26-31. Let’s get “spiritually close” this Sunday at 10 am on Facebook. Check your email for a link to view the service.  If you know of someone who is not receiving the church’s MID-WEEK NEWS "In The Know" (or you’re reading this on someone else’s computer) send your email information to the church office. This is an important link in keeping you informed.  Questions?  Needs?  Call the church office at 636-583-5839.



This year our church hopes to bless two ministries with our Easter Offering:
  1. Christian Missionary Fellowship International – Leah Scharfenberg, in Berdyansk, Ukraine, whom we currently support through our Missions Program at FCC, has shared with us that their Christian Summer Camp is in great need of new tents for camping at the Sea of Azov. Their current supply has become tattered and torn due to the many years of use. We are looking at purchasing 20 new tents for them to use for this upcoming summer camp season. (Video Link).
  2. High Hill Christian Camp – The church camp that our congregation has been a part of since its beginning has been experiencing a lot of growth in their summer attendance as well as the ability to utilize their facilities throughout the year. Currently, they are in a major building project in which they are finishing a new cabin, lodge and multipurpose facility that will enable them to accept more campers through their summer program. It will also give them an opportunity to do more on sight conferences for churches to use in the offseason. Check out their link for more information.


"One of the primary roles of the church and our children's ministry is to equip YOU as parents to teach, train and disciple your family. There has never been a better time than now to start! Because of the COVID-19 virus, we have a great opportunity.

We will be incorporating some fun kid elements into our Sunday morning online worship service to help your children engage. One of those ways is to include a short lesson with the Gospel Project Big Picture question as well as the Bible verse. So please stay tuned and plugged in.

We will also be sending out weekly our easy to use the curriculum to you via email (Through this newsletter). All you have to do is click on the link and follow the instructions. Easy peasy. Just do whatever you feel comfortable with. These lessons include a 'How To', Activity Pages, Bible Story Video, Discussion, and Prayer.

Also, make sure to search for our New City Kids Facebook Group (It's private so you'll need to ask to join) as a helpful resource. We will be posting links to activities, stories, videos and more to help you disciple your children.

For the PreSchool Link:
For the Younger Kids Link:

Also, here are some helpful hints for your family worship time:
  • Grab a notebook for each child and ask them to draw a picture or write what they are learning.
  • Use Right Now Media throughout the week for your bible time. Make sure to sign up for a FREE account using the link below.
God bless everyone. Stay safe and keep your eyes firmly fixed on Jesus."


Greetings 212 Family, I pray this finds you and your family healthy, well supplied, and peacefully navigating the changes that we all face as we navigate the Corona Virus, COVID-19, pandemic. In case you missed it, 212 and all 212 related activities at the physical Church have been postponed until further notice. This will allow each of us to do our part to help prevent the spread of the virus.
While we may be limited in meeting face to face, we will once again be using the internet to connect with students via Facebook Messenger and Zoom. What this means is we need you or your student (if neither of you have yet) to get a hold of the 212 Student Ministry page on Facebook Messenger so we can add them to our 212 Messenger Chat Group. It’s here that we stay connected throughout the week, and it is here that we will share the link to the Zoom meeting which starts Wednesday night at 7 pm. Last week we had a lot of fun, with sponsor Jackie League winning our trivia contest, and Ella Kliethermes, Sara Richardson, and Lydia Shelden winning our digital bird drawing contest. We also discussed the circumstances surrounding the oft quoted Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me”, discovering the depth of this tremendously encouraging passage of Scripture that exhorts us to find true contentment in Christ alone regardless of any circumstances we might face. This week we will be looking at 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 as we prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and how it is the eye-witness testimony of over 500 men and women that helps validate our belief in the resurrection, the foundation by which we can fully trust all of Christ’s promises for the future.
I know many of you have questions about CIY, and as of now, we are still a go for our June 21-27th trip to Johnson City, TN. That being said, this is a fluid situation, and as we have already experienced during this period of time, it is subject to change. As it stands CIY has pushed off deposit dates, and we are asking students who plan on attending CIY to have a $75 deposit down by April 15 in order to secure your spot. Students who have already participated in a fundraiser for CIY are not required to make this payment as everyone who has participated in the fundraisers have already cleared that threshold. In the event CIY is canceled due to COVID-19, all deposits will be refunded, and money raised through fundraising will roll over into next year’s CIY event.
I’d like to leave you with a Word from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20) His promise stands true friends, He is with us, even today during this Corona Virus Pandemic, and He will be with us always, not just through the end of time, but beyond the very fabric of time itself: for all of eternity. May the blessed assurance of His promise, His faithfulness, encourage each of you this day.
Grace and peace to you friends; God Bless!


Community Groups and COVID-19 

In light of the Corona Virus and recent reports from healthcare providers, our government and the CDC, we are encouraging all of our groups to postpone meeting until more information is available. This includes children’s ministry, youth ministry, community groups, and even our Sunday morning gathering. This decision was not easy but after many conversations, meetings and times of prayer, we believe this is the right thing to do.
We understand how difficult this can be for some, both socially and financially but we strongly believe that we have a great opportunity before us. Instead of putting all of our efforts towards a Sunday morning service, we now have the opportunity to get back to basics… allowing the church to serve and minister to one another.
Let’s remember what Jesus told his disciples (and to us today),
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27
We care about you and your physical and spiritual health. So what are our steps forward?

Community Groups Go Online

We live in an age where we can video call nearly anyone in the world at any time. This was just a sci-fi dream 20 years ago but now is a norm for everyday life. We want to leverage this technology for our church, even if it is only on a temporary basis.
Instead of gathering for our Community Groups, we are encouraging each group to set up their specific meeting day/time and use a video format to meet. Two options that immediately stand out are Facebook Messenger and Zoom. Both are apps and available on most smartphones and computers that enable group video chats.
We think this is a great alternative for the time being until we are clear to gather in person. Of course, we also understand that this may not be an option for you and will continue to think through other options. If you have any questions, please contact the office or your community group leader.


Bible Study

Due to the Corona Virus, COVID-19, pandemic, the men's Bible study will be postponed until further notice.


  • Due to the Corona Virus, COVID-19, pandemic, the Tuesday morning Bible study will be postponed until further notice.


Due to the Corona Virus, COVID-19, pandemic, our Celebrate Recovery group will be postponed until further notice.
Check out our Facebook page at @FCCUnionCR. If you have any questions, comments or requests feel free to email us.


Have you ever wanted to do a Bible study with your spouse, kids or maybe a group of friends but you didn’t know where to start? Leading a Bible study can seem like such a big task. Planning what to say and what questions to ask can be one of the reasons people are so hesitant to lead a study. Well, what if we took all the planning and prep work out of it and made it easy for you to do right in your own living room?

As someone who attends First Christian Church you have access to RightNow Media, a website with hundreds of
video-driven studies. There are studies on just about every topic you may want; from parenting to having “the talk” with your older kids, marriage, studies on books of the Bible and so much more. There are even cartoons for the kids that teach Biblical principles. And the best part is, it costs you nothing! If you would like to check out this incredible resource you can signup here.


Are there times that you really need people to pray for you?  If you have something that needs some extra prayer send us a prayer request please indicate if confidential or if you desire the church to pray. Even if you want it to just be prayed for by the staff at FCC you can submit your request here or call the church office to put it on the prayer list. There is also a table in the lobby that you can write out your request.
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150 Joel Ave
Union, Mo 63084

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