

Hi Riders, the latest stats are:-

32 - Riders in the travel group
55 - Oz riders entering
60 - Number of sleeps left!

Final Costs
The final cost for the transport is $165 per person. This covers your seat on the bus, bike transport on the trailer and fuel costs. Accommodation is $200 per person (8 nights). This gets you a dorm bed at the locations listed below. Anyone who has made their own bookings, simply pay for transport only. The payment deadline is Friday 2nd Dec. Final payments can be made to the OA account below:-

Name: Orienteering Australia Inc
BSB: 062005
Account No: 00906687

Now that the final prices have been set the refund policy will be:-

Accom - Fully refundable right up until 7/1/2012.
Transport - Not refundable, unless I can fill your seat.

Accommodation Survey
If you haven't already filled in the survey, then please do so, even if you've made your own arrangements. This will help me with bookings. Use the link below:-

If there is anyone requiring extra nights at North South Tourist park in Christchurch, at the start or end of the trip, then I'll attempt to negotiate an extension of the bunkhouse booking for those that need an extra night to catch flights.

Travel Insurance
New Zealand has a nifty reciprocal 'Medicare' style arrangement for visiting Aussies, this means you can avail yourself of their free public hospital system, as if you were at home. I'd suggest you take out the usual comprehensive travel insurance. Please note that 'racing' is usually an exclusion in every policy, so if you want cover for injury whilst racing, it's available via OA. It's not cheap (Approx. $350), but if there is enough interest I can ask the broker for a price. Email me before the final payment deadline if you're interested.

Anyone wanting an Oz MTBO jersey can grab one from Peter Cusworth in Victoria. They're great value at $40.00.

Event Entry
If you haven't already entered the events, you can use the link on the top right hand side of this message to enter at the official event site.

If you have any trip queries, please contact me. Cheers, Craig. 0418 871 193.

November 2011