Easter Death and rebirth Gateway. Dance & Prayer events calling in healing  Sat & Sun
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Art: Marcus Michael George

Happy Easter everyone. 

This time of the year commemorates Jesus (Yeshua)'s death on the cross, and his 'dying for our sins'. For those of us connected to Mary Magadalene however, it is truly so much more. The crucifixion was a profound process for bringing light to the Earth and implanting it within her body, so she could survive and thrive and take us (humanity) along with her. Yeshua chose to give his life to perform this huge transformational act. This time 2020 years ago exactly, our earth was infused with the light energy of a deeply loving spiritual adept. Kind of like the Dalai Llama crossed with a qi gong master, and a supreme yogi, times ten!  At the time, humanity were in a dark and destructive place and needed help to awaken to their higher nature.

Sound familiar??  It is such a tragedy that so many are choosing to damage and even destroy the Earth at this time. This must be stopped and reversed, for the Earth is our source of physical as well as spiritual sustenance. We must make amends for the way that we are treating the Earth and each other, and truly come to revere her and care for her as our most immediate spiritual source. For so she is. It is part of the return to loving the Feminine that is so necessary at this time.

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, we are again in a dark days, and need to remember our true nature as love, and to honor our Mother, the Earth, if we are to survive.  I just got word that Burning Man was cancelled this year.  It is indeed a sad time on earth. We are at a massive choice point right now.

For me Easter 2020 is like a 'version 2.0' of this need to infuse the energetic grid of Earth with divine love, again.  Even as so many of us already are. We are using Yeshua's basic teaching - to love God with all our heart and to love everyone as ourself.  Tonight in Santa Monica at 8pm, like many cities before us, the noise began and for 5 minutes, I could hear applause, pot banging, shouting thank yous and whooping - all directed at the health workers on the frontlines here in LA.  There are so many examples of luminous human kindness and sacrifice going on every day.  Can we become loving like this all the time?

As our human collective goes through its own 'valley of death', many of us might be passing through our own shadow now, and dying to our old selves.  Those selves made empty by self loathing, self punishment, self put downs, distrust, trauama and poverty of all kinds. Metaphorically, all our shadow material could be up as death happens around us. However, you could also be in awakened joy, if so, wonderful!, show us the way. It could be time for all of us to be reborn or 'resurrected' into luminous, shimmering love and wisdom on Sunday. 

I have three offerings for you to participate in, if you feel called (and you will know, you'll get a big 'YES" somewhere inside). Two are with me and one is on your own. Do one, two or all. Lets assist in raising the light on Earth this weekend. Last weekend's Global meditation was magnificent and so profound as Unity Consciousness was born again on our precious planet. We can now add our own special arrows of divine exalted love into the mix!

Much love to you,
josie xxo

Saturday night 7pm - 9pm (PST) ON ZOOM WOMEN ONLY
Time zone converter here
If you feel the call, please join us.
This sister circle is intentionally working with exactly what is present for each of us emotionally. ie. what is upsetting or challenging you, what needs healing.
Be it grief, anger, helplessness, confusion. 
All are welcome in the field of this Tantric Dance.
If you are joyful and full of awakening wonder, bring that too. 
Both are offerings to the Goddess.
Dancing together, virtually, we invoke Her with love, helping us digest all of the life we are living right now.
As part of the ritual, we will Tantric breathe and witness each other on our screens. 

Sliding Scale - $20 - $40To Register, please Paypal me 'friends and family' to  or Venmo @josie-keys.
After registration, look out for an email from me with Zoom instructions.

Please email me if you are burning to do this and need financial support.  No-one turned away from lack of funds.
Saturday evening 10pm (or whenever works for you).
This weekend more than 2000 years ago, spiritual bright lights Yeshua ben Joseph and Mary Magdalene went through a mighty initiation - personally and for humanity.  I feel we are poised to assist in reintegrating the energy field/grids they helped to birth by their incredible efforts.  

This is an invitation to actively participate in co-creating the integration of the Christic Grid further into the field of Gaia this Holy weekend. You may already have been feeling to do this yourself!  

Please spend Saturday evening anytime in a ceremonial space with your beloved, connecting with love, adoration, and powerful joy with one another. Possibly create an Altar. Call in the divine through each other.  Find your ecstasy together (sexual is best, but any way is perfection). Offer the love you generate into spiritual service to uplift humanity NOW. 
Please feel free to invite other couples or singles who hold these codes (or could hold them) to do the above and join the Sacred Union prayer field from wherever they are.
If single work with your inner divine self at your altar.
PRAYER:  Sunday Morning. Be sitting in meditation at 11.11am (in your time zone).
If you want to connect with others, join me on Facebook or Instagram live as we create a prayer field together.

My prayer will be to call in spiritual help on behalf of humanity, to anchor the Sacred Union grids. To deeply honor Yeshua and Mary Magdalene for their profound Tantric connection, and his transformation into his light body, against all odds on this day 2020 years ago. And to honor who all went before us holding this flame - the Rose Line Lineage in its many forms. 

Use this as inspiration or create your own.  Please pray for however long feels right.
11mins at least.  Go here to my Facebook page then. Or here to my Instagram


DANCE: Join me for Tantric Belly dance on Facebook Live /Instagram Live Wednesdays until quarantine is over
11am - 12.15pm.

Go here to my Facebook page then. or here to my Instagram

Donations welcome but not required. If you did my weekly class a few years ago its a similar format. In two parts. Do one or both.
1) 45 mins Basic belly Dance technique, and
2) 5 mins Tantric breathing then 30 mins free form dance.
Facebook event info here.

You can reply to this email or click here with any questions.

To embody the Divine Feminine, we need to do 3 things :
 FEEL our emotions,
be grounded in our PHYSICAL Body,
and get in touch with our SEXUALITY

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