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Hi everyone,

We hope you are all staying well during these amazing times. Here in Melbourne, Australia we are in another statewide lockdown, our state declared a 'State of disaster'. This lockdown sees us unable to go further than 5km from our home, the majority of businesses closed and all schooling taking place from home. 

Like so many, JCM has been impacted by this pandemic but we praise God for His faithfulness during this time. Obviously all my interstate and overseas travel has been cancelled but we have taken this opportunity to upskill on technology, which has enabled me to hold many Zoom meetings, live-stream preach, record sermons and encouragement videos, and connect with leaders and churches globally. I have also taken time to start writing a book, which many have suggested and requested over the years. Hopefully, this will be available later in the year.

Most of us have never lived in times like these we are currently experiencing. I am in regular contact with many of our Leaders Network International (LNI) leaders in 26 countries and there are numerous stories of ongoing challenging circumstances. And perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed, disappointed, frustrated, confused, anxious, wondering what will happen in the coming days.

Allow me to remind you that followers of Jesus Christ can live with hope and an unshakeable confidence. How can we do that? Romans 8:37 tells us that whatever is happening "in all these things we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ who loved us". Another version says, "you have an overwhelming victory through Jesus Christ". We may be having a tough time, we may not understand all that is happening to us, or around us, but we are not alone. The Lord is with us. He wants to comfort us, encourage us, strengthen us, and empower us through Holy Spirit. Spend time talking with Him, reading His Word. Renew your mind with His promises. The more you do this the more you will live with an unshakeable confidence in Him.

At JCM we continue to work to help alleviate poverty for as many people as possible, as we have done for many years. If you visit our web site you can read our Gifts for Change brochure which details many ways people can help. Although not detailed in our brochure, we are also helping leaders in many countries in practical ways as they serve their churches and communities. Aus.$80 -100 per week will help a family buy basic food supplies for 7 days. A little goes a long way in these environments.  If you can help, we would love to hear from you.

Stay encouraged. Fear Not. Be blessed and be a blessing in every way you can to everyone you can!

Love and blessings,

John and Heather

Partnership Opportunities

We are acutely aware that people in so many of the countries we are privileged to work in continue to face the daily crisis of not having basic items like food, water, medicines and so on. The virus has only worsened the dire situations they face. As mentioned previously, JCM has raised funds for essential needs, including food, school needs and medication, in 5 different countries since March. Current photos of our aid work are regularly posted on the JCM Facebook page so be sure to check them out.

If you would like to help us meet some of these needs please contact us at You can also check out our Gifts for Change brochure at our website

There are so many ways you can partner with us here at John Cairns Ministries. Please see below just one of the practical ways you can support the work we are doing. 

1. Church Building / Community Centre in Kulwanda, East Africa

Led by our Leaders Network International (LNI) national leader, a new building to serve as a church centre for 500 people. Also will be used through the week for community activities such as child immunization, mothercraft classes, medical care, primary school, life skills training, seminars and local government meetings. Total Needed: AUS $20,000


August - September 2020 Ministry Itinerary 

Due to the travel restrictions and Government policies currently in place as a result of the Covid-19 crisis all "physical" ministry, in Australia and internationally remains cancelled. 
The cancellation of public ministry obviously affects John's income but God has always been, and always will be, Jehovah Jireh our Provider. He is ever faithful.  

Please visit the schedule tab on the JCM website to see when John is ministering via Facebook live streams and pre-recorded sermons.  
Family News! 
Our four grandsons, like all the other children in our state, have had their schooling severely impacted by Covid-19. They remain cheerful & have generally adapted well to the new routines of home based learning. 
(Photo taken pre-Covid!)
Bank Details: 

John Cairns Ministries 
General Account details: 

Branch: Berwick
Account Name: John Cairns Ministries

BSB: 033-609
Account Number: 408584
Contact Us: 

John Cairns Ministries
PO Box 4138, Narre Warren South,
VIC, 3805, Australia


Facebook: John Cairns Ministries 
YouTube: John Cairns Ministries
Copyright © 2020, John Cairns Ministries, All rights reserved.

Equipping and Inspiring

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John Cairns Ministries · PO Box 4138 · Narre Warren South, VIC 3805 · Australia

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