August 4, 2020

Good morning!

Due to inclement weather, our weekly in-person gathering of Pastors under the Portico has been moved to Zoom.

We hope you can join us at 11am for a time of fellowship, encouragement and prayer. To join the meeting on a computer, click

To join using your telephone, dial 301 715 8592 and enter the Meeting ID: 501 556 6770

In cased you missed it, you can view last week’s worship service here or you can watch on our website.

Peace be with you,
Pastors Cecilia & Jameson
(484) 548-0033
Give Now
New Creation will be providing 150 Family Fun Bags with items and activities for families in need at Paxinosa Elementary School to help them celebrate the end of summer as a family.  Each bag will have a collection of items like snacks, card games, bubbles, chalk, puzzles and other things that a family could do together.  Community Connections is asking church members to contribute cash to purchase these items in bulk to fill all the bags consistently.  Please donate as many bags as you are able at $5 per bag.  Donations may be mailed to the church, dropped off with your Sunday offering in an envelope marked for Paxinosa, or you can contribute to the Facebook Fundraiser for this purpose. Please help us with this ministry.


We are in need of 4-6 volunteers to help serve dinner and distribute fresh vegetables on Thursday, August 13th & 27th from 4:30-7 p.m. at the playground on l0th & Pine St. in Easton. (West Ward)

The YMCA is preparing nutritious meals to be served to families in the West Ward and Lafayette College is donating vegetables from their local gardens which are given to these families.

Please sign up HERE or text Bonda Pfenning with any questions or to volunteer (610) 905-4985 or e-mail at

Click HERE for "What is a lottery calendar?".

You can purchase your ticket online using the link below or contact Cara Kuehner at 610-442-7604 or to purchase physical tickets or sell to family and friends. 
In the midst of this public health crisis, some of our church members have been laid off from their jobs, furloughed and had other extenuating circumstances. If you have fallen on hard times, we have church members who stand ready to lend a helping hand. Please email the pastors if you are in need of assistance, and your request will be kept confidential. 

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