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Most of the time when making a change or working towards a goal, we hit a "plateau" where we feel less progress, this can result in losing some of the important gains we have made. Review this month's newsletter to see if these suggestions for recognizing and pushing past your plateau are applicable to you:
Pushing Past a Plateau

Featured webinar:
Stay Motivated: Tips for Leveraging Your Super Power

It’s easy enough to set a goal. But when it comes to habit changes like improving your diet, exercising more, or trying harder to meet new people, sustaining change can feel impossible. This webinar will teach the 3-part theory of human motivation. You’ll identify your motivational style (e.g. your super power!) and learn strategies that will keep you motivated so you can achieve any goal. 

Log in anytime this month to view the webinar, using the login code "sweap"

Facing Procrastination Head-On

Procrastination happens to everyone at some point or another, but there are some people who procrastinate with nearly everything. This can pose some major problems when it comes to meeting deadlines and your health. Putting off tasks until you are under a time crunch weighs you down and puts your body through unnecessary stress.

Before you can begin to conquer this behavior, you need to first stop and think about why you are putting it off. Once you have established some trends in why you engage in such behavior, you can begin to target and beat procrastination through the following tips:

  • Maybe you want to start a project, but don’t want to start it now. Set yourself a deadline to get started, and be sure to stick to it! 
  • The workload of a project may be large and intimidating, so you put it off. Find a way to break up a big job into smaller tasks. Then go step by step until your project is completed. While on the first step, don’t think about the second step, just think about the step that’s being done and move forward.
  • You tell yourself you have plenty of time. Without beginning the task there is no way for you to judge how long you think it’s going to take to complete. Try and at least attempt a job really early so you can gauge when you should be investing significant time.
  • You don’t know where to start. Take care of the easiest and most enjoyable parts of the job first. Then move on to the bigger parts once you’ve got momentum going. 
  • You feel a sense of really not wanting to do anything. If you get a habitual sense of that feeling, take a step back. You may want to examine why that is, and maybe make some changes in your life to do more things you love to do.

Source: LifeAdvantages ©2020

More articles like "Achieving Personal Goals" and "Secrets to Finding Happiness" featured this month, look for the featured bar at the top of the page after you login with code "sweap" to 

Can I talk about workplace issues at the EAP?
Of course!  Your sessions will be focused on what you want to focus on.  The EAP is here to help you work through personal or professional issues.  If you are encountering a new challenge in the workplace and would like to talk through some different strategies that could work for you, you can certainly use your benefit for that purpose. 
You also always have your online resources, try it by Logging In and Searching for the topics you want to learn more about in the database.  Use code "sweap" to get started.

Visit the online COVID-19 Resource Center to find webinars, articles, and links to trusted sources that may help you navigate the pandemic. - login code "sweap"
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