OAWA Coaches' Mailing Update
Thank you for your ongoing work to improve the sport through these challenging times.
1. OAWA Annual General Meeting
The OAWA I will take place Saturday September 26th at 10:00 am. We anticipate it may be likely that the AGM will take place virtually/on-line so we are planning for that. We are hopeful that Government Regulations may relax enough for us to hold an in-person meeting, so are also planning for that provisionally. We will keep you up to date on which option we go ahead with.
Important items to expect at the 2020 Annual General Meeting:
i) Executive Committee Elections
ii) Approval of the OAWA Audited Financial Statements for April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020
iii) Review and approval of the OAWA Strategic Plan for 2020-2026. The Plan will be presented by Rob Luke of Allen Leigh Consulting, the firm the OAWA has engaged to guide the development of the Plan.
iv) Report of the OAWA Governance Committee and presentation of updated OAWA by-Laws for adoption.
v) Selection of Provincial Championships events (for 2022)
Of course, the current status of the sport amidst the pandemic and how to maintain and grow Ontario Wrestling will be a big focus.
Stay tuned for more information.
2. Updated COVID-19 Resources.
The OAWA would like to acknowledge the work of the COVID-19 Working Group for developing the guidelines and resources to assist clubs in getting back to training. A big thank you to: Mark Sementilli, Rachna Kumar, Claire Biafore, Sheldon Francis, Chris Stefopulos, and Bob Parsons.
Clubs are reminded that failure to follow OAWA Guidelines for Return to Training may result in your being inspected and failed/cited by local Public Health Authorities and by-law enforcement. Clubs resuming training without approval also void their OAWA insurance.
To receive your Certificate of Approval to Return to Training, your club must:
1. Compete and return the WCL Risk Assessment and Mitigation Tool
2. Submit a Club Emergency Action Plan including COVID-19 protocols
3. Submit an Opening Plan.
The latter two can be combined into one document.
To provide more assistance for Clubs in submitting their Return to Training Applications and getting approval to return to training, the OAWA has developed a template Emergency Action Plan and Opening Plan document. This is intended to make it easier for clubs to work through the process and comply with requirements.
The full OAWA Resource page on COVID-19 can be accessed HERE
The Template Emergency Action Plan and Opening Plan can be accessed HERE
The OAWA wishes all Clubs the best as they work towards resuming training. We are here to support tool you. If Clubs have any questions, please e-mail pin-covid@oawa.ca
Thank you