With international travel grounded thanks to COVID-19, many of the plans that Duke students carefully laid for the summer came apart at the seams. Trinity College spoke with some of the Duke Global Baton participants to see how they adjusted and found purpose during the disruption.
“The biggest thing the university does to you is it makes you humble. You shed your ego and pride and realize you know nothing.”

Angikar Ghosal, a rising sophomore from India, reflects on his first year at Duke University and offers advice to the incoming first-year students.
International students can keep up with the latest information from the university by visiting the Keep Learning online hub. See the latest updates, including details about guidance from Immigration and Customs Enforcement and how it applies to Duke students.


Graduate School, I-House Partner to Provide Summer Language Support, Community Connections
(Duke Graduate School)

A Home Away from Home for Duke's Global Community

Eddy Malesky Named Director of DCID
(Duke Center for International Development)

Patient-Caretaker Education Improves Neurosurgical Outcomes in Uganda
(Bass Connections)

Cici Cheng MFA EDA ’20: How to Build a Home
(Duke Arts)

The 100 LEMURS Project
(Duke Lemur Center)

In Conversation with the Crew of "Water Town"
(Duke Kunshan University)

Reducing Wildlife Trafficking and Forest Loss Could Prevent Future Pandemics

(Nicholas School of the Environment)

Exploring the Human Impacts of Deportation in Guatemala
(Bass Connections)

Newly Discovered Wasp Species Named to Honor Duke Conservation Scientist Stuart Pimm
(Nicholas School of the Environment)


American Institute of Indian Studies Digital Scholarships
The American Institute of Indian Studies announced the launch of its Digital India Learning initiative. Proposals should demonstrate a sustained use of digital methodology and resources in the exploration of a research topic focused on India. The deadline to apply is September 15.

New Bass Connections Projects Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Students: Thirteen new Bass Connections project teams starting this fall will tackle research related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The deadline is tight, apply today (July 31) by 11:59 p.m. ET.
This month, the Duke Global Baton made a stop near campus. Caroline Cockrell, a photographer and Durham native, shared a personal glimpse of her hometown in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Follow Duke Global Baton on Instagram to see more!
Duke Global Baton
421 Chapel Drive
Box 90035
Durham, NC 27708
Phone: (919) 684-0682

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