Hello Master <<First Name>>,
It’s summertime,

and most of our vacation plans are probably not as usual.
That’s right that the change of the annual routine
can bring up unpleasant feelings.
Agitation, impatience, even some depression.
It may feel suffocating, or suppressing
to stay at the same place for so long,
and thoughts about restrictions and lack of freedom.

Even though not the same,
we can still reduce annoyance
and increase calmness and satisfaction -
if we like,
and agree to let the disappointment go.

We can still find the way to mourn the loss, release it in peace,
and let the new be accepted and embraced.
When we remember that everything is inside,

that our experience is all internal,

then we can start to see what we do have.

And we can bring a lot of the vacation to us
even when going away is not an available option.

If it’s time for a vacation, take the time off.

Don’t wait for an ‘other normal’…

Your body needs it now.
Your mind needs it now.

It’s an essential part of the routine,
and they are longing for it.
Plan it nice, even if at home.
Time for relaxation, self indulgence, recovery.

Open your days with a vacation meditation:

A vacation meditation

Find a quiet place, sit or lie down in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes, take a few breaths,
relax all your muscles, sink into the environment.

Bring up the most beautiful and pleasurable vacation you have ever been at,
go on and relive it, sense it,
the visions, the sounds, the smells, the flavors.

Realize the feelings, the emotions -
the feelings and the emotions are the experience itself.
They are what creates the atmosphere of the memory,
give life to the reality.

Feel the delightful feelings, one by one,
say hi to each one of them.
Acknowledge them, let them spread in your body, experience in full.

You want to own the feelings, unite with them.
Merge with them into a conscious one.

Relax more and keep going with your meditation,
you can add a bright pure light coming from above,
rinsing you all with divine glamorous grace.
Until you feel completely saturated with peace and light,
ready for your cheerful time.

Hold the feelings, the experience.
They are yours to integrate into your day, to enjoy.

With your eyes still closed, still imagining,
softly start to come back to here and now.
To the room, feel your body, the support underneath you,
sense, smell, hear.

Envision your diffusion into reality,
soaked with your wonderful calmness.  

When you are ready, slowly open your eyes,
and move into your vacation day.
With the nice move into Stage 3 reopening,

I'm leaving all the covid specials on for another week -
until August 10th.

It includes the launch price of the Leader of My Life 10 weeks program,
which is all about:
Getting grounded and balanced
finding your way, and
fulfilling your dreams
in this reality of a constant change, uncertainty and challenges.

The sessions are available both in-person and online.

So if you were thinking of referring someone or signing up –
this summer is a great opportunity  (-:
Keep taking a good care,

Sending love and health,
See you,

Leader of My Life - Make Covid-19 Your Pivotal Time
~ Last week of launch price ~

A 10 weeks deep self empowerment transformation
  • Reveal patterns, dissolve blockages
  • Gain deep self understanding, alignment, certainty and confidence
  • Unlock your inner wisdom, treasures and superpowers 
  • Shift into your best version path
Check the launch offer here Leader of My Life

Is it time for you to get grounded, balanced and clear?

Find your focus, stability and motivation in the changing reality:
  • Pick what you need from the new COVID-19 special offers
  • At the convenience and the safety of your home, through Skype

Feel like keeping in a closer touch?

Join us at Heal Your Reality WhatsApp group
to get inspired, empowered, connected and supported
and to receive a daily message from the cards.

Click to join:

What else can I do for you?

I would love to hear how you're doing?
and how can I better serve you through this time?
Waiting to read from you here

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Transformation Point · 30 Gloucester Street · Toronto, On M4Y 1L6 · Canada