
Newsletter #27



How to Set Up and Use Navigators in React Native

A look at how to use React Native navigators to quickly set up routing between screens in your React Native apps.

JavaScript: Latest Stage-4 features

If you’re interested in the future of JavaScript, several features have been promoted to stage 4 which, in TC39 parlance, means they are ‘finished’ and ready for inclusion in the formal ECMAScript standard.

A Mental Model to think in TypeScript

If you’re new to TypeScript and struggling with how to ‘think more in types.

Webpack: A gentle introduction

A gentle introduction to webpack to help you conquer your fears.

Use ternaries rather than && in JSX

What problems can happen when you use && to conditionally render content in JSX

Building Desktop Apps With Electron And Vue

Electron is an open-source software framework developed and maintained by GitHub. It allows for the development of desktop GUI applications using web technologies. In this tutorial, Timi Omoyeni explains what you need to keep in mind when building a desktop application with Vue.js using the Vue CLI Plugin Electron Builder.

How to Develop Microfrontends Using React: Step by Step Guide

With the advancements of microservices, large applications have benefited in several ways. It helps to efficiently develop, deploy, and scale individual pieces of the application backend. Read more

Setters vs ngOnChanges: which one is better?

Getting notified about an Angular component's property changes is normally done in 2 ways:

  • adding a setter to the property
  • using the ngOnChanges lifecycle hook

But... is there a best practice?

Build file-based theme inheritance module in Nuxt

What makes Nuxt awesome and unique are out of the box features it comes with like file-based routing or Server Side Rendering. Have you ever wondered why these features don’t require you to write any additional code?

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