NEW!   "All Things Bright and Beautiful" - August Virtual Choir Project  - See end of e-mail for how to participate.

Ourdoor Communion Service - Wednesday August 5th at 9:00am on the Playground.  See below for more information.

Friends, we will keep an eye together or on the weather forecast!  Please keep in prayer all of those in the path of the storm.
Devotion for Friday, July 31st

by Frances H.
The Pulpit Bible at WPPC
 Deuteronomy 11:18
You shall put these words of mine in your heart and soul
Psalm 5: 1-2
Give ear to my words, O Lord;
give heed to my sighing;
Listen to the sound of my cry, my King and my God,
For to you I pray.
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
I joined Winter Park Presbyterian Church 29 years ago.  I grew up in the Protestant/Congregational denomination.  I wasn’t sure what denomination would match here. I started by going to Wesley Memorial Methodist Church. It is a fine church. I went for several months. Then the senior minister gave a fire and brimstone sermon. Every time I have listened to such a sermon it has always been delivered – You,You,You. Since the minister is also a mere human I would appreciate them including themselves in the message. The choice of one word in his message effected what I heard and my actions. The following Sunday I tried Winter Park Presbyterian Church.  I immediately felt at home.  Thank you!
The above introduction was to explain my thought.  Right now you are putting your own inflection on the words you are reading. The mood you are in and your personal history affect the way you read these words.  A simple sentence can be read in many different ways.
For example, “Lord help me.”  It can be a heartfelt plea to God. Or it can be a somewhat sarcastic comment. “Lord help me. I hope I am not that stupid.”  The words are the same but you think about them differently.
I was thinking about this while I was reading the Bible. We have to read the Scriptures with our own inflection. I choose to read the NRSV translation. The thing is I don’t know what life was like for the people living the stories in the Bible.  I don’t know what their culture or society was really like. I have learned in Bible study that many of the parables Jesus spoke made more sense to His listeners back then because the stories related to what was current to them.  They also heard the parable, not just read it.
We study the Bible to learn the meaning of the words. Emile has talked about the different Greek words for expressing love. The books of the Bible were written in different languages. Does afraid mean to be in awe of or frightened by?  There is so much possible variety in the meaning of the words. We study the words so we can understand the Word.
I pray to be guided by the Holy Spirit in study and understanding of the words that give us God’s message for daily living. Help us all to gain Your wisdom Lord, help us to keep You in our hearts and minds.
Christ’s peace be with you all.

Frances H.
Friends, below is one of the hymns for this Sunday, "Sometimes a Light Surprises"
"Sometimes a Light Surprises" Text: William Cowper, 1779 Music: Irish Folk Melody Created for worship with Winter Park Presbyterian Church Ed Beck (voice and ukulele), Christine Pickens (violin and voice), Fiona (baby squeaks) Amy Harley (voice and ukulele), Emile Harley (voice and guitar), Rachel Doll (voice), Sharon D. Moore (keyboard)
Worship at WPPC - July 22nd
August Worship with WPPC:

Wednesday, August 5th at 9am -  Outdoor, In-Person Communion Service on Playground at WPPC
Wednesday, August 12th at 7pm -  Outdoor, In-Person Service at WPPC
Wednesday, August 26th at 7pm - Zoom (Virtual) Communion Service

Our evening outdoor services will meet in the parking lot.

Our morning outdoor communion service will meet on the playground (to take advantage of mourning shade).   In order to minimize contact, we will have individually packaged juice & wafer cups that participants will pick up as they gather.
Please remember the following about our outdoor, in-person worship gatherings.
  • Wearing of face masks at the service is required by our Session.  If you need a mask, we will have some available.  Please remember, wearing masks is about protecting the health of and caring for other people around you.
  • Please bring your own folding chair (again, we will have a few available)
  • Several parking spaces will be reserved for those who wish to take part in the service from their cars.
  • Please practice social distancing - areas for each household to sit will be marked on the ground.
  • Though we will not be singing as a congregation, participants are encouraged to bring a ukulele, guitar, drum, or other instrument to play along with the music.
  • In the event that rain is very likely, we will reschedule for the following day.

Friends, that our main effort will continue to be the digital service for Sunday morning.  However, our Worship Commission, with the concurrence of our Session, wanted to offer in-person, outdoor worship gatherings.

Please note, while we hope to make things as safe as possible (and need your help in doing that), in this time of COVID, any gathering involves some amount of risk.  PLEASE err on the side of caution when deciding whether or not this is an appropriate activity for yourself or the people in your household.
"All Things Bright and Beautiful"

You don't have to be a member of our Chancel Choir to participate!  Just record yourself singing!  All are welcome!

How to participate:

1.  Watch this video of Ed, Rachel, and Sharon singing.
"All Things Bright and Beautiful" - August Project Core Track
2.   Download this copy of the music for the song:

3.  Make a recording of you singing this song in sync with Ed, Rachel, and Sharon

Sing any part! 

To record in sync with Ed, Sharon, and Rachel, you will need two devices:
  1. One phone, tablet, or computer to listen to the song video as you play along
  2. and a second camera/phone/tablet to record the video of you singing.
(PLEASE wear headphones while recording.  This makes it much more likely that  you will be in sync and makes the editing process easier.)

4.  Then share the file with Emile by Google Drive, Drop Box or another file-sharing service.  (The video will be too large to text or e-mail.  If you need help, please ask!)  

The deadline to send me a video will be Monday, August 24th at 5pm.   After that I will begin editing the video together - and it is really difficult add a late video after I've begun work.

5.  Call or text Emile to make sure I got the video.  (Sometimes file transfers don't work the first time - especially if you've not sent a file to me before.  I REALLY don't want to accidentally leave out someone who recorded a song!)

Thank you all!  The more voices the better!
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