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Unbreaking the Waves

Dear Star Lovers,

The other day a client told me she felt broken, but sometimes you have to unbreak yourself and there's no rule for how to do this for everyone for all time, but in that moment I got an image in my head of a (broken) sculpture flying through the air, coming back together. Those pieces just scooped themselves up like magic and maybe the final result was a little patchwork, a little mosaic, but there it was anyway, alive and battered and whole. 

Think what you like about movie maker Lars von Trier (I'm a fan) but in late July found myself watching whatever movies I could find of his on-line (some I had seen before). They are easy and yet not easy to watch but if you, like me, like a certain type of "not easy to watch" movie, then you might also enjoy him, even if you have to fast forward through a gruesome scene.

One of his movies is called Breaking the Waves and it might be my favorite and if you're into astrology I'm sure you can see all the various planetary themes and archetypes in that film but my first loose point here is to lose yourself in art you love during these difficult days. You might not need me to tell you this but I need me to tell me this. Too often I forego what's really gonna deepen, push, touch me and head for "fast food" i.e. someone on youtube chatting about their life while making dinner which is FINE but it's not enough for me. I need more. Some of us need more. This is also fine. 

We have a Full Moon on Monday and my suggestion is this:

imagine yourself put back together. Maybe you are bandaged and battered, maybe left for dead, maybe redeemed, maybe smiling and flying through the air like a church bell. 

On Full Moons, the astrologers talk about release, we talk about endings, we talk about moving on, we talk about culmination and I'm going counter intuitive here, I'm going for imagining yourself as a piece of whole cloth before the dress gets made, miles of color like open road. 

You may be the type who breaks things, who eliminates, who moves on, who pulls apart, who destroys. Maybe you're a Pluto person who loves the dark, but Aquarius (the sign of this Full Moon) is a fixed sign. Stubborn. It digs in. Doesn't change. For this full moon I'm telling you to HOLD STILL (don't move, don't change) and if you need a second instruction then suture. Stitch yourself up.

Try it as an exercise, an experiment. What do you have to lose? 

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