Special offer
In this INSIDER: 
  • Alinker Academy LIVE  -   Your chance to WIN
  • XS, preparing the launch
  • #Sharethemicnow special guest - MaryAnne Howland
  • The BE Hive (is a new weekly segment)
The Alinker Academy is LIVE!
The LiquidGym is a longterm partner with the Alinker, and they have developed an online Alinker Academy. It is LIVE now! JOIN the Alinker Academy to stay fit and active and engaged with your Alinker. Their team of professionals have created a full library of exercise videos that offer surprising and innovative ways of using your Alinker that you might have never thought of.  
When you order your Alinker, we will give you a

6-month free membership

 You will find your unique access code in the confirmation email.
Use it when you sign up for the Alinker Academy

Every Alinker user around the world now has access to the virtual personal training, suggestions, classes and professionals who understand active minds with bodies that move differently.  JOIN the Alinker Family, we are all connected.

NOTE: LiquidGym runs the Academy.
For all Alinker customer service, product and sales related questions,
please contact the Alinker directly. 


Join us LIVE - Wednesday 5th August

The Alinker Academy is LIVE
Wednesday 5th August, 1pm EST

go to your Instagram account, and join us LIVE

BE is in Ottawa to do the LIVE at the LiquidGym, meet the owners, the Alinker users, and sign up for the Alinker Academy. 

Your chance to win! 

Once BE goes LIVE, you can send a request to join the LIVE. 
When your request is randomly accepted, you are LIVE with BE. 
Then you have to answer one question. If you answer correctly, you win a FREE 6-month membership to the Alinker Academy! 

Preparing the XS launch

We are so excited that after years of developing and planning, kids of 10-18 years and smaller adults can have an Alinker!  It took a couple of years to develop, through time and money constraints, language and geographic barriers with our awesome engineering team in Taiwan. Product development  is a challenging and exhilarating journey! And soon, real people will be testing the first XS prototypes. Once all is approved, we will order the first production run. How exciting is that! 

PreSales start in October 2020
No need to call us now, the launch in October, will be announced here. 

Join us LIVE - Tuesday 4th August

BE hosts another #Sharethemicnow 
Tuesday 4th August, 1pm EST

go to your Instagram account, and join us LIVE

MaryAnne Howland 

Takes the mic. She is the Founder of the Global Diversity Leadership Exchange, an author, a storyteller for social change and a facilitator for open dialogue. She is also the mother of John Robert, who was the first ever model with disabilities to use the Alinker on the runway of the LA Fashion show. 
MaryAnne serves for justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, dignity and respect.
We are thrilled having her on the LIVE.


The BE Hive

This week BE shares on the importance of language: 
Equal access world / Profit for Impact / Language is powerful

This is our fourth year in the market and we just reached break even as a company. Now we make profit, and profit is money, and money is currency, and currency flows nutrients to where they are needed to build an equal access world for us all.

The language we use at the Alinker is mindful, chosen and often new. It stimulates awareness. 
It is crucial that we are aware of the words we use, and the power they have and here are some of the ways we use language to create awareness. 

Healthcare indicates we have a healthcare system, but do we? In fact we don't. Through my work with the Alinker, I quickly recognized that it is reactive and only kicks in once we are sick. So I renamed it 'sickcare', and people resonated with the concept. Once you call it 'sickcare', you instantly realize that we do not actually have healthcare. For example, if the Alinker were to try and comply with the 'sickcare' system and sell the Alinker through the insurance / medical supply channels, the price would at least be double, while the process would take away your agency and dignity. 

True healthcare supports our wellness through social determinants of health, like access to healthy food, engagement in community and mobility. So with this awareness, we at the Alinker, are building healthcare. 

As a company we are currently in another timely reframe and it is around the word profit.
Organizations are either 'non-profit' or 'for-profit'. The first one sounds like there is no profit at all, the second one indicates you just focus on making profits, measured in money.  Why do we only have these two options? Because we at the Alinker treat money as nutrients, we felt the need to add our own category: we are a 'profit for impact' company. 

When you buy your Alinker, you pay for high-quality, custom-designed product. We use our company to build an equal access world that benefits us all. And now you know that you pay directly into a company that has reframed "for-profit" to "profit for impact".

This is how: 

All members of the Alinker team, including CEO, earn living wages 
We hire Alinker users, yes, our customers,  
We offer a 0% rent to own program,
We integrated a crowdfund option, 128 completed campaigns to date!
We are building the Alinker Family Farm to create access to healthy food in a huge food desert,
We make sure that everybody in the supply chain is treated well, factory workers are protected,
We plant trees and are more than carbon neutral,
We support Indigenous companies, 
We are a certified BCorp,
We donate substantial time and funds to COVID relief, and Black Lives Matter, 
We now offer the online Alinker Academy, and give you a FREE 6-month membership at purchase because we love for you to regain your agency, your independence, have fun while strengthening your body, find others online who are like you, think like you, live like you. Active and engaged, no matter what. 

There are a few more things in the pipeline we will announce in the newsletters to come! 

So when you buy an Alinker
you know you are part of building an equal access world
It's not just words, it is in everything we do 

10 New campaigns, already 6 completed! JOIN and SHARE

Useful links

Visit active campaigns and donate
Get support for setting up your campaign
Order your Alinker
Rent-to-own your Alinker
Get help with orders and sizing

Who to contact in your country


Before contacting us directly, please review our FAQs

  • Italy: EMAIL 
  • South Africa: EMAIL 
  • Czech Rep, Poland, Slovakia: EMAIL
  • United Kingdom: EMAIL
  • Australia: WEB
  • New Zealand: WEB
  • Switzerland, Germany, Austria: EMAIL
  • The Netherlands: WEB
  • Elsewhere: EMAIL 
For all international inquiries outside our distribution regions email here

"The Alinker is a game changer!"

- Selma Blair
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