Ivory Flame by Ed Fahrmeier
In our series "The Models"  we are giving you a deeper look into the amazing muses we have on UTadventure.

UTadventure LOVES adding a select new talent to our already established rooster of phenomenal models each year.

We are so incredibly grateful for the mesmerizing Ivory Flame who came all the way from the UK to debut on our Utah and Mexico tours just recently! Back in March, we were able to catch her right before the unfolding pandemic to share a very unique and special adventure together!

Today's feature is all about this astounding muse's first time experience with us in Mexico! We thought it would be fun for you to read about what was it like to be on that crazy tour with us from a model's perspective!
Ivory Flame by Ed Fahrmeier

"I feel incredibly lucky with our timing for the Yucatán trip. We all got to travel safely and meet in this blissful paradise to make beautiful images and memories in a week I'll always cherish.

I had seen so many amazing results from the stunning locations available and been beyond excited to see it for my own eyes and seize the possibilities.

Last year Utah had blown my mind, but Mexico promised to feed my adoration for stunning color, detail, texture and magic. I can say completely that the divine beauty of the Yucatan met and exceeded my expectations!
Sienna Hayes, Femina & Ivory Flame by Ed Fahrmeier
As we arrived to our beautiful boutique hotel, the magic began... nearing the pool I could see there were flowers floating in the water - fallen from a beautiful tree right beside the pool, and almost covering the entire surface with a layer of petal perfection, their delicate blooms shining in the peaceful dappled sun.

I breathed a deep sigh and felt so happy to be there (and OF COURSE we utilized that stunning flower pool for images that evening!).
Ivory Flame by Humberto Pasart
The next day we visited an hacienda of my dreams... entering off the baking hot street outside, our footsteps echoed into cool tile-floored rooms, leading to enchanting courtyards where vines trailed and lily pads glistened, with a spiral staircase, shaded terrace, painted doorways, and shimmering pool up ahead.

Stunning reflected light poured into the downstairs bedroom, complete with a heavenly tapestry.

It was truly, truly gorgeous.

Later we finished the afternoon among atmospheric ruins, including the most incredible ancient trees whose roots straddled and stretched over entire walls.

I already felt like the luckiest model in the world! What could possibly add to that?
Ivory Flame by Humberto Pasart
Cenotes... (The underground water pools where Mayans used to worship their gods.)

If the exciting horse-drawn rickety 'train' ride isn't enough to get your heart filled with gleeful shock, then entering a huge hole in the ground via jungle-like staircase to a cavern filled with luminous turquoise waters WILL DO IT.

Wow oh WOW!

It felt like the birds living inside the cave were a mirror for my joy, as they swooped and circled in exultation.

We got to spend hours with that breath-taking place all to ourselves, and floating in the glowing, rejuvenating water was out of this world!
Ivory Flame by Eric Scott
The days went on with many more stunning locations, each with their own unique features.

I had a moment to myself at the beach, whilst the photographers had chance to scout the surroundings for our late afternoon and sunset shoot there. I looked up to the palm trees blowing in the wind, the sunlight glinting through their leaves, and exhaled.

It is these quiet moments where our inner feelings can take us by surprise, and the enormity of the week and everything happening washed over me.
Ivory Flame by Ed Fahrmeier
Originally I hadn't posted many videos online of our travels as I didn't want to seem like I was bragging about where we were, at such a time when chaos and uncertainty were increasingly looming over so many people's lives, but friends and followers requested and encouraged me to post, and thanked me for sharing a piece of tranquility.

I was becoming very aware I would be returning home to a very different reality. So I filmed more of the soothing sights and sounds, reflected on how blessed I was to be there with such lovely, creative souls, and very happily waded into the waves at sunset!

Our final experience was a morning shoot at Mayan ruins, a highlight for many in the group and an honour to pose in such a sacred site of history, complete with wildlife sightings of vultures, lizards and exotic butterflies!
Ivory Flame by Eric Scott
Back at home now, I'm holding my memories of Mexico closely, even if that idyllic place feels so very far away right now.

We were so fortunate that our schedule didn't face too much disruption, and the Utadventure team dealt with any obstacles so swiftly and impressively!

In the week where the world was turning upside down, we got to support one another, and be present, connected in the magnificence of nature and creation. I know one thing for sure, I would adore to return, and if I'm able to travel to Yucatán again, I really hope you'll join us."
Ivory Flame by Eric Scott
Thank you dear Ivory! <3

Yes, we will absolutely be inviting you back in 2021 for more incredible experiences together! :)

We are overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunities to meet such beautiful souls all while playing in gorgeous places & making art! Our next Yucatan tour on October 28th - November 2nd cannot come soon enough!

If you are interested in discovering the incredible locations described by Ivory, we invite you to join us this fall to partake in all that magical Mexico has to offer while creating with one of our most star filled model lineup as of yet: SIENNA HAYES, VENUS DE SIERRA & KATE SNIG!

Click below for more info!

See you on tour!

With love and gratitude,
Dasha & Dmitriy
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