Growthpoint August 2020 Newsletter
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Growthpoint Newsletter

I love my Work! I feel a great sense of joy when I accomplish something for myself.
I feel the greatest sense of joy when I help others accomplish a goal that matters to them."

It was inspiring to do a live workshop again. I have so enjoyed facilitating the last workshop on conscious manifestation, a big thank you to all who participated. We all have different levels of fragility and resilience that needs to be honored and working with small groups provided more time to give personal attention.

It is always extremely rewarding to facilitate the expansion of perception and witness the realization which materializes as a result of having the clear intention of overcoming fear based attitude that leads to victim hood by choosing to see life’s challenges as opportunities for personal growth.
As requested, I will be repeating this workshop on Saturday 22 August. 
There are currently only 4 seats left, do not miss out!
Some feedback from the participants:
- "David is intuitive and pushes me to think and explore, the workshop came at the right time, lock-down seems to have surfaced issues in my life that I need to face and sort out; it has made me see this in a new light....

- David is an excellent teacher, the workshop has filled the gaps on habits that I stopped practicing...

- David is a great teacher, passionate and knowledgeable. The workshop was filled with practical knowledge, wisdom and guidance...

- I don't know why I waited so long to come back; It was a fantastic awakening of my soul, thank you so much loved it immensely...:”

Resistance to change is resistance to life itself, the cause of much suffering. Change is the only constant in the universe and the source of perpetual uncertainty on this adventure we call life.  We can find excitement in every challenge and adversity if instead of resisting and fearing the unknown we chose to embrace our fear and respond to its invitation to be courageous and face our personal limitations.   

It is the ignorance of who we really are and of universal laws that manifests as fear. Our evolutionary journey summons us to listen and trust our inner guidance to become the highest version of who we really are.

We live in an infinite universe, with infinite possibilities, we do not have to allow our current circumstance to dictate our future. We always have a choice, we can consciously choose our own pathway through the chaos, disruption, and confusion.

The insights and simple tools offered during the workshop has the potential to transform lives, but it is our responsibility to apply them and to make conscious decisions aligned with our intentions to express and experience our own magnificence.

Some of the Topics include:
  • Understanding and exploring my true nature.
  • How to deal with conflicting vision, obtain clarity and align your thinking with your vision
  • Tools for relaxation and focused concentration.
  • How to outgrow stress.
  • A simple system for changing habits.
  • Putting my Divinity to work for the creation of well-being and prosperity in harmony with the laws of the Universe
And so much more...
Date:  Saturday 22th August 2020
Time 8h30 to 17h30
Venue: Growthpoint Training Centre, Lanseria
Fees by donation

In order to adhere to social distancing recommendations, we can only accommodate 9 participants per workshop, only 4 seat left.
If you are committed to learning and Self-evolution 

I look forward to working with you.
May courage and common sense prevail

A Simple Tool for a Robust Immune System

During these challenging times, maintaining a strong immune system and staying healthy is not a luxury but a matter of survival. Everything in the universe vibrates at different frequencies, the higher the frequency the more robust our immune system.

We are primarily energy beings and the quality, focus and command of our energy affects every area of our lives.  Learning Reiki empowers you to be your own healer by keeping your energy body clear and flowing harmoniously.

The upcoming TAG-REIKI workshop will introduce you to your body’s innate healing abilities and equip you with simple practical tools and effective energy exercises that can be easily incorporated in your daily life to help you connect with your bodies wisdom and raise your frequency.

Join us for an insightful fun filled weekend; learn how to make the most of the universal energy that flows through you and bring harmony to body mind and spirit.  

Practicing Reiki on yourself will:
  • Boost your energy levels and strengthen your immune system
  • Reduce stress and Increase vitality.
  • Alleviate symptoms of illnesses faster and relieve pain.
  • Release stored emotion and create a sense of well-being
  • Remove energy blocks and activate your body's natural healing abilities
  • Develop your intuition and insight and so much more…
Your body is designed to heal itself; you are a powerful being with limitless possibilities. Attending the workshop will give you an understanding of your own magnificence; help you open yourself to healing and embrace the wonder of life.

The workshop is open to everyone, all humans possess the ability to give and receive energy from the Universe.  However, this healing ability is often dormant or forgotten. Taking a TAG-Reiki class will reactivate the ability to attune yourself to the Universal energy.  (The Science Behind Reiki)

The TAG-REIKI workshop is a practical workshop designed to awaken your inner healer.  Join us for two magical days and lean to work with the law of cause of effect and gain an understanding of how to unlock your body’s innate healing power, to help yourself and consciously improve the quality of your life in and on every level.
Dates the 5 – 6 September
Venue: Growthpoint training Centre

May love light your way always

"Deep down inside we all know we can fly"


Upcoming Events and Services

Online Coaching & Mentoring
Distance Healing


To book Your Appointment
David +27 82 414 7434
Christine +27 83 334 6509


Conscious Manifestation

"The Universe is working for us not against us, every challenge is ripe with opportunities."
  • Jumpstart your post lockdown with clarity
  • Adapt to change 
  • Dismantle limiting beliefs
  • Expand your perception
  • Align your thinking with your vision
  • Sharpen your natural manifestation skills.  

Saturday 22 August
Time: 8h30 to 17h30
Venue: Growthpoint Training Centre,

Fees by donation


To accommodate social distancing rules we will limit the number of participants to 9 people. 

TAG-REIKI Level I and II
Residential Workshop
Dates 5 - 6 September
Venue: Growthpoint Training Centre

“It was amazing to learn in such a relaxed environment, I enjoyed the openness and lightness of the interaction with other students. Christine sense of humour puts everyone at ease. I’ve learnt a lot, I see Reiki as something tangible now and not airy-fairy. I really appreciate the straight forward approach to Reiki which you adopt.

Thank you for such an uplifting experience.”  Sean J


"It was a phenomenal experience and most enjoyable, I treasure every magical moment. Thank you for making a difference in such a wonderful and dynamic way. I truly appreciate your loving hospitality, I am honoured to have met you." Nicole H 


“The workshop was absolutely awesome! Without a doubt the best, simplest and most effective and empowering Reiki training I’ve received. Inspired huge confidence in the process.”  Linda H



Entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of our economy.
A true entrepreneur is an alchemist with the ability to turn a simple idea into a workable ability.

Uncommon times call for uncommon sense Now more than ever you need to dream up what is truly needed and become a problem solver.

- How can you make a contribution?
- You have the opportunity to serve and be a role model.

-To turn your passion and talent into a business. 
-To create a business plan aligned with your values. 
-To earn a living doing what you love

Business is certainly NOT as usual, this workshop is designed to ensure that the entrepreneurial skills required for the business to succeed are developed by the person. Read more

Saturday 26 September
Time 8h30 to 17h30
Growthpoint Training Centre Lanseria

“I have an idea that the only thing which makes it possible to regard this world we live in without disgust is the beauty which now and then men create out of the chaos. The pictures they paint, the music they compose, the books they write, and the lives they lead. Of all these the richest in beauty is the beautiful life. That is the perfect work of art.”
― W. Somerset Maugham

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