AUTOBLOG celebrates ADA turning 30

Greg Rasa, author of this article, whose wife uses an Alinker. 

"We cover all kinds of mobility at Autoblog, not always just cars, and this weekend we're noting the 30th anniversary of one of the landmark laws of our age, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). President George H.W. Bush signed the ADA on July 26, 1990. Years later, he himself became disabled with Parkinson's disease. At some point in our lives, many of us will confront a disability and will benefit from the sweeping changes and rights secured by the ADA, but unlike Bush, disability can sometimes strike when we're young. As it did to my wife."

It is 30 years ago that the ADA was established. ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act, according to it says: "The ADA is one of America's most comprehensive pieces of civil rights legislation that prohibits discrimination and guarantees that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else to participate in the mainstream of American life -- "

It refers to a mainstream, which is problematic. An assumed mainstream inherently creates exclusion, and then we need the ADA to go and fix it. 

Making life accessible through standards is a long process of 'fixing problems' that would not have existed if our world would be built for all of us equally. These are not problems, but symptoms of a system that was built on inequality and othering, leading to exclusion and separation. Progress has been made, but there is still a long way to go from 'fixing problems', to building a world for us and by us all. Accessibility also does not necessarily address social isolation as a result of stigma... but the Alinker does....
The Alinker is not designed as a technical solution for a body with a problem, BE designed the Alinker for how we want to live, active and engaged.


We are not a body with a problem 


Watch Netflix's Crip Camp, a documentary that tells the story of the disability-rights movement through a summer camp where many leaders, including disability rights advocate Judy Heumann, met each other. They are the foundation of how ADA came to be. 

One of the videos in the AutoBlog article, there are more, also BE's TEDx talk

To clarify 

Only the Small Alinkers have sold out, and only in the USA. 

Don't take a bet on a size bigger, if your minimum inseam is not 31,5"
preferably 32", the Medium will not work for you.

Ordering now is the fastest way to get it, we place you on the waiting list, you'll receive your Small Alinker in 6-8 weeks 

Any order made for a Medium or an order for a Small outside of the USA takes as usual, just 2-3 weeks

so don't wait  - order HERE

You have questions?
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This makes us sing

We LOVE when people email us and share how happy they are...

Last week we received this from James:

"I just wanted to write and let you know how incredible the Alinker is. Two and half years ago I suffered a stroke which has impacted my mobility greatly and when I’m out of the house I’m usually in my wheelchair. My wife saw the Alinker online and I trialled it last week and it’s been a game changing experience ever since. I took it to my children’s athletics carnival last week and I had conversations with people that I normally wouldn’t have been able to simply because you created something that allows me to be on their level. I feel a whole new level of independence coming my way. Thank you for creating the Alinker. You’ve given me the boost I needed!

Then yesterday he wrote to us again:

‘Here’s a photo of me and my daughter Claudia at the park today. It was so great to be able to ride with her. It was the first time as she was only 16 months when I had my stroke and wasn’t riding a bike then. It was so wonderful to be able to enjoy this with her. Feel free to put the photo on Instagram and if you want and tag me you can find me at @jimmyelliott1234 (Instagram)


#stroke #strokesurvivor #strokeawareness #strokerecovery #activateyourbrain #keepmoving
Collective campaign LAUNCHED!

This campaign is the ONE to support ALL, supported and sponsored by radically generous companies and other people who want our world to be an accessible one and use their money as nutrients to grow an equal access community

The pause is over, we are kicking it up again!  

Supported and generously sponsored by SheEO and TANDEM Innovation Group

Do you have or know of a company that needs great exposure and wants to sponsor the collective campaign? We will make you go far and wide without the need for Facebook ads, as we participate in #StopHateForProfit.
Email for details. Each USD $1000 starts one campaigner off and makes you look so good, as a company to support an equal access world. 

Just 2 days after the launch of the collective campaign, alongside 10 individual campaigns, 4 of these campaigns already completed!  

We can do this together!   Will you join the Alinker Family? 

Your Generosity is SO much appreciated. Together we change lives, and the world we live in. 

Questions and support for how to build your campaign, please email
10 New campaigns, already 4 completed! JOIN and SHARE

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- Selma Blair
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