The Latest from Kinnected

What is your story? What can you offer? What do you need?
There is no better time to imagine a new paradigm for healthcare. 

Here at Kinnected HQ, our global family is in our thoughts. We hope that you're safely weathering the profound changes wrought by Covid, as systems of health, economics and education are reframed daily, and our borders open and close in the pandemic breezes. 
There is no road map for the future. This is the moment to ready our creativity, resources and empathy for the next phase ahead. Every single person who helps grow Kinnected can feel a little more empowered, knowing they are helping to lay the groundwork for a new, free, cultural, community health system, and a social sanctuary.

Kinnected is gaining members daily. Here are just a few of their stories: Twenty years of low back pain finally led Jaclyn K to a diagnosis of Ankylosing Spondylitus. She's seeking others with AS or other similar conditions who can provide guidance. Beth VT has 20 years of experience managing migraines and can offer strategies to alleviate symptoms. She's looking for tips on healthy habits that can be maintained even when pain and fatigue are high. 

Can you help these new members? Can they help you? Taking a moment in your day to validate another person can change both your lives and help bolster the health of humanity.
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Development Updates

It's been a while since our last newsletter. Work on the Kinnected website this summer has taken a back seat to the current atmosphere of upheaval and metamorphosis. Now, as Autumn is coming, we're gaining momentum again, which will bring important changes to the platform.

We are thrilled that Kinnected now has 700 members and they can all build profiles, read each other's stories, write their daily health notes, and bookmark each other. We're finishing up a complex migration of our practitioner platform from our old wordpress site and then going headlong into work on our conversation platform, which means that soon, we can all start talking to each other.

In the meantime, please help us, yourselves, and and each other by continuing to build your profiles, tell your stories, say what you can offer, and ask for what you need. 

Every time a new member signs up and tells their story, it's a great day, as its another piece of the patchwork quilt that so profoundly represents our struggles, triumphs and health journeys. 

'A Day in the Life' - Kinnected's two newest featured practitioners have a lot in common: 
  • Both were inspired to get into medicine by their Grandmothers.
  • Both gave open-minded, generous interviews, full of hope, fear, and courage.  
  • Both are practicing in Covid hot spots in the American South. 
'A Day in the Life' of Dr. Denrick Cooper, Director of International Emergency Medicine, New Orleans, LA. Grounded in NOLA, Dr. Cooper's, wonderfully in-depth interview drills deep into inspiration, sacrifice, and trust, and how sometimes the hardest part of his day is also the best part. Read his profile here.
'A Day in the Life' of Dr. Charles Richardson, a pioneering inventor in Miami, FL. Dr. Richardson, who worked on the development of the electric artificial heart, talks about how Covid has made him more versatile, how protocols are in constant flux, and how it felt to catch the virus himself. Profile here: 
Kinnected in the news
What is Kinnected exactly? Where did the idea come from? Novelist, Johanna Stoberock, interviews Megan Haas, about the history and ethos behind the platform and gets some fairly informative answers. Read the interview here. 

The next Kinnected newsletter will be coming out very soon. In the meantime, stay safe, and well. Take care of yourselves and each other. 
Kinnected is entirely self-funded and we are thankful for any donations. 

Can you give $5 or more to help Kinnected realize its full potential? Please consider DONATING

 You can also support Kinnected by recommending our Global Health Directory to your favorite health professional. As our practitioner community grows, it will work to keep the site funded.

Do you know someone who is lonely and burnt out from social media? Invite them to sign up on Kinnected to find a new atmosphere of hope, and health. 

Copyright © 2020 Kinnected, All rights reserved.

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