
Over 8 Tons!

For I was hungry and you gave me food.
Matthew 25:35

No Beans About!

Since we normally do not do relief type work, giving food to those in need, we are brought to prayer to be sure this is the right thing to be doing.  Several weeks ago I received a message and could not believe it, someone had donated several thousand dollars for Honduras!  I hit the street to buy the supplies for the next set of bags but I was having a problem finding beans.  This had been a growing issue and now the town seemed dry.  I went to the grocery store and paid the higher price buying beans prepackaged in three pound bags... 150 lbs worth!  I finally found one vendor who told me that he would have six 100 lbs sacks in the afternoon.  I already had one sack at the house and needed one more for the next distribution.  That afternoon when I returned to the store the thought of the big donation was on the back of my mind and so I went ahead and purchased five 100 lbs sacks.  
Two days later Carlos stopped by and was shaking his head saying, 'We have a big problem because there are no beans in La Paz and it's the same all over Honduras.'  I said, "Praise the Lord!  We have 750 lbs of beans in the house!"  It turned out that the problem is that Guatemala and Nicaragua both sell beans to Honduras but because of COVID-19 they held their beans in their respective countries.  
The beans have lasted for the food distribution and finally there are beans ready for harvest here in Honduras!!
God's timing and His planning are perfect!!
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.  1John 4:7

The Situation in Honduras

COVID-19 has fully arrived in our town of La Paz.  The nightly report of new positive cases has been 30 or more and as high as 54.  That may not seem like a lot but this is a very small town and the cumulative number of cases grows quickly.  The hospital in town is small and can only treat a limited number of COVID-19 patients. Many people who go to the hospital are told to go home and self quarantine as there is no room at the hospital.  Only severe cases are admitted and some are sent off to a larger hospital, but the problem is the hospitals treating COVID-19 are overflowing.  
Our ministry has been limited to food distribution. With the bean harvest coming in and corn to follow, the need for that is greatly reduced.
Last week the US Embassy sent out an email encouraging US citizens to return immediately and if you choose not to return, then plan on remaining in country for an extended period.  
Honduras has set a five-phase plan for reopening and our town of La Paz has gone from phase 1 to phase 0 which is a very restrictive shutdown.
A week ago Sunday we had a discussion with our pastor from our home church in MD. After talking through much of what is happening here his recommendation to us was to think about returning to the states.
The following day we had a discussion with the president of Equip who is also recommending that we return to the US for a time.  
Topping everything off, we have learned that there is a possibility that a person with asthma is more susceptible or may have a harder time with COVID-19... and Ellen has asthma.
So, we have decided to return to the States for a time.  
All flights to the US need to be approved through the US Embassy and there are very few flights for each week.  We have purchased a yet-to-be-approved ticket with United for Aug 13th.  If we get bumped at least we in the que to get the next flight back to the States.  We will fly to Florida and quarantine for 14 days at Ellen's mother's 'snowbird' house that is currently vacant.   Please pray for our travels to go smoothly!!

The Bean Harvest!

When the beans (black or red) are ready, the whole plants are pulled up and tied in bunches to hang to dry.  Fence lines become full of drying beans and it's a beautiful site for people who depend on these as their main staple.  We praise the Lord for the relief that this represents for the people who have been struggling for food for themselves and their families.  Thank you for your generosity during this time of extreme need!!


This elderly woman is blind and full of joy!  Her expression doesn't look like it but her words were full of love and blessings!  She was sooo grateful to receive a bag of food and we send her thanks on to you!  Thank you for giving to her!!

Prayer Corner

  • Please unite with us in prayer that the Lord will end the pandemic and restore the people.
  • Let's pray together for world leaders everywhere to act for the good of the people.
  • Please pray that the Aug 13 flight would be approved and that we would be on it! 
  • Give thanks to the Lord for His protection over us.

Team Honduras!!

Team Honduras is God working through you and us!  
The current health crisis is also very much an economic crisis.  This is causing change and hardship on many fronts and we already know that this has affected some of you.  We are so grateful for the support we have received and look to the Lord for our future needs and pray for Him to meet your needs also!
Teach me your way, O LORD,
that I may walk in your truth;
unite my heart to fear your name.

 I give thanks to you, O Lord my God,
with my whole heart,
and I will glorify your name forever.
Psalm 86:11, 12

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