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As we get used to slowly coming out of lockdown, churches are continuing to step up and are doing a fantastic job of supporting people in our communities who are struggling financially or with mental health issues. It has been a privilege for us at TLT to help out 20 of these churches so far with funding and advice and guidance. Your prayers are so important to us and we ask you to pray for staff and volunteers in churches across the Diocese working incredibly hard and also for us at TLT as we make some difficult decisions about the future.
We have heard so many inspiring stories about the difference churches are making to people's lives during Covid-19, we wanted to share one with you:
" We were contacted by a volunteer support worker who was mentoring a young girl who had left care and was struggling to cope. She has a daughter who she didn’t have access to. We were able to provide food for her via the mentor and to work with her to provide support in getting the essentials together so she was able to have an access visit with her daughter for the first time in months. Providing the food parcel has been a way of providing physical food but also support for a young mum who has left care. When the daughter was due to visit we were able to provide a bag of treats and activities for them to enjoy together".

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

Micah 6:8
Great news! We have been fortunate to be part of a successful national funding bid to the Albert Gubay Charitable Foundation. They  agreed to a grant to enable us to continue supporting churches which are providing food (and in some cases activities) to children and families over the school holidays. Please contact Wendy for more information (details below).
The Diocese of Chester regularly updates it's Coronavirus webpage with information on practicalities and policies relevant to church buildings. These include links to guidance on protective measures for the reopening of public spaces and provision of children's activities
Please feel free to share this newsletter and to contact us if you want to know more.
Wendy Robertson
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