
Weekly Update

Click here to access the Sunday bulletin blog site.
The Tri-City Salvation Army has spent the last four months feeding a much larger number of desperate families, as you can imagine.  As a result, their food pantry is almost empty.  They will be holding a food drive on Saturday, August 15th, at their St. Charles location: 1710 S. 7th Avenue. from 9:00am to 3:00pm.  The following items are most in demand from the pantry:
Diapers/Pull-ups (especially sizes 5 and 6)
Baby wipes
Toothpaste, deodorant and soap
Pads and tampons (they go through pads much faster)
Adult diapers
Laundry soap, Dish soap and Paper Towels
Canned ravioli and SpaghettiOs
Canned fruit
Canned tuna or chicken
Canned beans or vegetables
Condiments (mustard, mayo, ketchup, etc.)
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Pancake mix and Syrup
Baking staples (flour, sugar, etc.)
Pasta and Pasta sauce
Macaroni and cheese
Stuffing and Instant mash potatoes

Thanks in advance for any help you can give them!
We have been trying, over the last four months, to make sure that we keep all our members feeling engaged and included in what is going on at church.  With everything that has happened since March 15, that has been a challenge.  Hopefully our online bulletin blog has helped accomplish that goal, and hopefully you have felt that the inclusion of many voices within the bulletin each week has also helped accomplish that goal.  With that goal in mind now, we are trying to put together a 'virtual hymn sing' as well. In order to do that we need the names of all your favorite hymns.  They can be traditional or contemporary, and you can submit more than one.  In fact you can submit as many as you'd like.  We will get those into our bulletin each week, with words, along with the name of the person requesting it.  You can email your list to lynnly directly (, or just reply to this email with your list.  Thanks in advance for helping us keep everyone connected!
We are starting our annual School Supply collection for Cameron School.  This year we have a more limited list, so we should be able to knock it out easily.  Here's what Sarah needs:
20 packs of 24 Crayola Crayons
20 boxes of Crayola Washable Markers
20 Thin Black Expo Dry Erase Markers
20 sets of Crayola Watercolor Markers
20 Glue Sticks
20 Plastic Coated, 3-Ring Folders, any color
If you are able to supply any of the above items, please let Kim Valentine know (  Donations need to be into the church by August 23rd.
The Northern Illinois Food Bank is hosting their annual a Golf Fundraiser on August 25th, 2020.  Four of our congregation members, Dave Buchanan, Mike Rosier, Jack Buchanan and Jeff Rosier are currently looking for sponsors so that they can meet the $1000 entry fee for playing in the fundraiser.  All proceeds go to benefit Northern Illinois Food Bank and its mission (The golf course has been donated by Cantigny).  If you are interested in sponsoring our foursome, you can make a donation online here (select golf outing).  Any donations in excess of our $1000.00 goal will be given to Northern Illinois Food Bank at the golf outing.  If you'd rather make a donation by check, please see Dave after church or mail it, payable to the church, to 327 Hamilton Street, Geneva.  Thanks in advance for supporting Northern Illinois Food Bank!
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, Kane Senior Council is partnering with Kane County Judicial Center to distribute meals to older adults and veterans by drive-thru events. Packs of frozen meals will be distributed from the safety of a drive-thru car line at the Judicial Center, located at 37W777 IL Route 38, St. Charles. Participants should enter from Peck Road. To sign up to pick up the meals, please call 630-812-6775. If you would like to volunteer with Kane Senior Council please visit
Just a reminder that we are back in our church building and practicing recommended social distancing protocols to make sure we keep everyone safe. 

A few things you should keep in mind going forward:
  • Please plan to bring a mask with you to church.  Masks should be worn inside the building.
  • We will have hand sanitizer available at the entrance to the church, as well as disinfecting wipes, for you to use while in the building.
  • The collection plate will not be passed.  Instead, it will be on a table at the entrance to the sanctuary.  If you'd rather skip the collection plate all together, you can access our online giving portal here.
  • Please sit in your same household groups, and make sure that you maintain a six foot space (in all directions) between you and other household groups.
  • Please do not use the first three rows of pews.
  • It is recommended that church members do not sing during the service, even with a mask on.  
  • We will not have Sunday school or nursery care until a vaccine is available, so your kids need to stay in church with you.  Please feel free to let them bring a phone or tablet and headphones so they can watch a movie or play games.  When school starts again in the fall, we will be trying a variety of different online Sunday school options, which we are still working through.
  • Coffee hour will be outside, as usual, weather permitting.  If you are staying for coffee hour, please bring your own coffee and snacks.  As long as a six foot distance is maintained between families outside, you do not need to wear your mask.
We look forward to seeing anyone who feels comfortable.  If you feel safer enjoying service at home via the bulletin blog, we will continue to have that available every Sunday for at least the next 12 to 18 months.  If you have any questions or concerns, please call or email Lynnly or reply to this email.

Please note, we will go back to online services only, if Illinois should experience a second wave of virus and shut downs.  In the event of a re-closing, we will notify everyone via telephone and email.
It's probably been the farthest thing from your mind lately, but keeping up with your annual pledge is actually unbelievably important for the church right now.  We are coasting along on occasional donations and the Payroll Protection Program from the federal government, and it would really help us out if you would check and make sure you're up to date on your pledge.  If you find you can't meet the pledge you originally made, please let us know.  If you can, now would be a great time to do a little catching up.  Every little bit helps!  You can make your donation online, in person, or by mail.
If you want to make your pledge payments online, you can access our online giving portal here.
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