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August 2020


Drivers Month Meme Competition

Get your witticisms on and your creative juices flowing because we want your best memes about the City of Adelaide’s recent decision to run a “Drivers Month” with incentives and prizes encouraging people to drive to the city.
When 36% of city users (the % that come by car) are given 85% of road space at the expense of everyone else, when cars are given priority on all 17 major roads in the city and most lane ways, and then Drivers Month is announced to provide them with more support, it is hard to know where to go with that.
We decided on humour, because sometimes a laugh can help, and we all need to stay sane right now. Please, join us. Make something great that we can share on social media to help shed light on the concept of Drivers Month.
Competition rules:
  • You can enter as many times as you like.
  • Can ask to stay anonymous if you prefer.
  • PG memes please and obviously no hate speech. (Many of us feel disrespected by this decision and but memes that bully or harass are not OK. That doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun though 😊 )
  • Your work must be your own.
  • Competition ends Tuesday 15th September.
How to enter:
Create and share your memes with us and we will share them on Facebook. Feel free to also post your own memes on your social media pages. You can share them with us on our
Facebook page or email to
The prizes:
We will pick three winners based on awesomeness. The winners can pick any City of Adelaide business they would like to frequent and we will buy them a $100 voucher.
Entrants that make up the 64% of city users that walk, cycle or catch public transport to the city DESERVE REWARDING. If you own a city business and would like to help us reward the 64% get in touch.
More info on Drivers Month:
Drivers month aims to encourage people to drive to the city using prizes and pro car initiatives. The agreed package collated by Councillors instructs staff to hold a Drivers Month by November and includes:
  • A $100 gift voucher given weekly to a random user of the Park Adelaide App. To be spent only at Adelaide City based Businesses;
  • Appropriate promotional street-side material
  • Incentives to park and drive in the CBD in Adelaide
  • Requesting the State Government implement a uniform 60kmp/h speed limit on all Park Lands roads
  • Any other measures which will directly improve ease of access for drivers within the city
  • Marketing and publicity measures appropriate to the above.
Although not supported by his fellow councillors, Councillor Khera was also keen to let cars park in bus lanes and for street banners to be erected announcing “Happy Drivers Month”.
Which Councillor’s supported Drivers Month?
For: Alex Hyde, Arman Abrahimzadeh, Jessy Khera, Mary Couros, Franz Knoll, Simon Hou), Lord Mayor Sandy Verschoor (no vote but supportive in the press saying “we need to encourage more people to the city”)
Against: Helen Donovan, Robert Simms, Phillip Martin, Anne Moran, and Greg Mackie.

And here is our first entry

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Super Tuesday

The results for the Super Tuesday bike count are now available.  This year we had more volunteers than ever, and included several new locations.  The numbers counted at comparable locations declined by 8%, following the 11% increase in 2019.  The count was held before the general lockdown was ordered, but obviously subdued conditions on the Universities due to COVID-19 did affect numbers.  Also it was unusually cold and blustery.  From the best weather ever experienced for a Super Tuesday count in 2019, this year was the worst!

You can read more about the count, with a link to an interactive map, here.

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Adelaide Rainbow Circuit (ARC)

BISA recently gave this project the thumbs up, adding our name to the list of supporters. The concept is to build an uninterrupted walk, run, and bike circuit that snakes its way around the Adelaide Park Lands, incorporating an indigenous Dreamtime theme. A concept that is in keeping with our active lifestyle and ranking in the top 10 most liveable cities in the world.
We really like the uninterrupted idea as opposed to the constant stop/start experience that Adelaide cyclists have to contend with. More information can be found on their

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Parkside Ward, Unley election

Dr Jennifer Bonham, a leading expert in urbanism, transportation and city planning may soon become one of the newest local elected members in the City of Unley. Jennifer's thoughts on traffic and transport are:

"Parkside deals with large volumes of parking and through-traffic on a daily basis. This traffic risks the quality of experience in our shopping precincts and ‘rat-running’ threatens the safety and liveability of our residential streets. I am committed to:
1. Working with local residents and businesses to address traffic speeds, through traffic and parking issues.
2. Improving access for active travel modes by championing the update and implementation of the Walking and Cycling Plan.
3. Improving access for people who rely on mobility devices like mobility scooters and wheelchairs.
4. Working through the LGA's Movement and Transport Planning network for a metropolitan-wide transport strategy that provides transport choice by: improving public transport access, infrastructure and services; infrastructure for cycling, walking and personal mobility devices (including mobility scooters)."

This is what transport ideas look like when they come from someone with an understanding of transport related evidence - this is NOT DRIVERS MONTH.

Jennifer is also a BISA member and Coordinator of the Unley BUG which has been provided critical support for cycling initiatives in the area.
For those in Parkside Ward - use your vote wisely. 
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Extending the Sturt River Linear Path Trail

You can use a quiet shared use path to ride from Bedford Park (Flinders University) through Marion, crossing the Marino Rocks Greenway, on to Morphettville, Glengowrie and Glenelg, where you cross over the Mike Turtur (Tramway) Bikeway.  From there the Trail continues for a further kilometre or so to Glenelg North, touching the end of the Westside Bikeway on the way.
There it stops, at Pine Avenue.  It seems Holdfast Bay has had other priorities,  especially the great job filling in the gap of the Coast Park at Minda. Also as with many of the 'bicycle friendly roads' the last leg of this route has witnessed increased traffic volumes (the presence of 'remember 50km/h' on local bins is a true indicator of this problem). Ian Radbone and Fay Patterson recently surveyed this last leg to look for opportunities to extend the shared use path and it appears there is space to spare. Read the full report
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Fossil Free Tour Down Under

Cycling is promoted for its environmental and sustainable qualities. We are fitter and healthier than the average citizen and we require less public space to travel and park our transport. In recent times we have proudly announced that our transport carbon emissions are zero whereas public transport and particularly private cars have significant emissions. Transport emissions currently amount to 19% of Australia’s total carbon emissions.
Recently we have received an appeal from a climate activist organisation, Fossil Free SA to support a campaign to find a new sponsor for the Tour Down Under. They claim that current sponsor Santos is seeking public licence for their environmentally unsustainable activities by endearing the people of South Australia with their generous sponsorship. Alternative opinions include “They are a good corporate citizen” Councillor Franz Knoll when responding to Councillor Simms move to gain Adelaide City council support for the sponsorship divestment campaign.
Undoubtedly Santos have provided great support to the Tour Down Under and they support their staff by providing good facilities for their cycling commuter employees. They regularly won the Ride to Work Day awards for their participation level.
Opinions vary within the BISA committee regarding our level of support as cycling advocacy keeps us pretty busy. So at this stage we thought you might like to visit the campaign
page and see what you think. You can read the letter to Events SA seeking the divestment and background information on the campaign.
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Business of the Month - Ride-a-Bike-Right

A passionate cyclist and  former primary school teacher, specialising in PE, Lee-Anne set up Ride-a-Bike-Right in 2011 to teach the fundamental skills of bike riding to enable children and their families to spend quality time together being active and healthy in the great outdoors. 
Ride-a-Bike-Right has taught thousands of kids and hundreds of adults to ride a bike, become confident and skilled riders and to challenge their boundaries. Their sessions are held on weekends, school holidays and mid week.
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Bits and Bobs

Back in May the Marion Council released a survey regarding proposed work on the Flinders Greenway. The results of the survey are now out with a resounding 97% support for the project. They are proposing that work will start in September.

From ABC news. Elderly woman arrested and charged after Weller St road signs vandalised with graffiti ... someone not happy with the bike friendly street?


The building of a South Road underpass along the River Torrens Linear Park is progressing nicely, with the December 2020 completion date looking promising.

When gyms closed and we could all use a little more exercise. 
Because we are avoiding buses and trains.
Because we are in need of outdoor group activities.
Perhaps just because the pandemic has made us crave simple pleasures like the wind against our faces.
Bicycle sales are soaring around the world. The result has been an international bike shortage. And the world’s largest bike maker, Giant, expects its supplies to remain tight for some time to come.

From our Facebook page

Here are a few of our posts from the last month.  Click on the photos to read item.

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Join the Bicycle Institute.
Pedal Update is a newsletter of the Bicycle Institute of South Australia Inc., published monthly.  The Bicycle Institute is incorporated in South Australia.  Material published in Pedal Update is copyright unless otherwise stated.  Articles and graphics may be copied and republished by non-profit organisations, provided the author and Pedal Update are given credit.  When by lines are used, opinions published in Pedal Update are not necessarily those of the Bicycle Institute.
We are always looking for contributions. 
Send any stories, ideas or feedback to the  
Road Hazards?   Call DPTI:  1800 018 313
Reporting Dangerous Drivers?   Call Traffic Watch:  131 444
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