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Why I had my children present for the birth of their new sibling and how to prepare children for the experience.

Pictured above from left to right, Jessica in labor with BB-8 holding hands with Sugarbaby (8)
Have you had your older children present for the birth of their sibling(s)?
I've been asked quite a bit about having my children present at the birth and how to prepare siblings for a new baby.

I can’t tell you if you should have your older children present for the birth of their siblings or not. That decision is very personal and individual based on what you need, your child(ren) needs, and the options available. I’ve given birth with my older children present and without them.

These photos are some of my favorite photos from the birth of my youngest, which is saying a lot because there are a lot of incredible photos that I just love from the birth but these are definitely way up there for me.

At 8 years old, she was all in for this birth. Again. She was 2.5 years ago too when she was 5 and became a big sister for the first time. Through my pregnancy she asked questions and enjoyed feeling the baby move inside me. She helped find the heartbeat and asked me weekly what produce size her new baby sister was. When it was clear I was in labor, she fed me bites of food between contractions and after the birth popped fresh raspberries into my mouth. Her daddy was my primary labor support but when he needed to step away, she beautifully filled in softly telling me she loved me and that I was doing good as she held my hands and reminded me to relax and breathe.

Then she watched as her sister’s head emerged still in the amniotic sack, quietly taking it all in.

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Pictured above from left to right: Jessica, in labor, Jeremy, and Sugarbaby (8)

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Find out BB-8's name here!

BB-8 is healthy and happy and we're continuing strict quarantine as a family to ensure the health of a newborn baby, as well for the wellbeing for everyone else in the Martin-Weber household. Jessica, founder of The Leaky Boob, has been taking a maternity leave to focus on her newborn baby. But within that time we've released BB-8's name! (Because it's definitely not BB-8).
Click here or below to read the full announcement! 
Find Out BB-8's Name Here!

Want to see more beautiful pics from BB-8's birth?

See all the birth photos when you sign up to support The Leaky Boob and We're All Human Here on Patreon!
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