

Welcome to the August 2020

CLT Newsletter

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ANU Lunch Vox Series

The Centre for Learning Teaching is hosting a series of campus conversations about current issues in education. Known as the ANU Lunch Vox, this webinar series brings together a panel of local voices with something to say about topical matters of interest to ANU teachers & students.

Coffee Courses

Join ANU Coffee Courses for open online courses on technology-enhanced learning and teaching. Each course is designed to be completed over three to five days and is broken into small 15-20 minute chunks. This is equivalent to a one or two-hour face-to-face training session. READ MORE

The gracious trailblazer

CASE STUDY: The past five years of Dr Ding Ding's teaching career have necessitated a reinventing of the wheel on multiple occasions. Each time she has risen to the challenge, and in the process, become a trailblazer for her colleagues across ANU. READ MORE

Spotlight on the CECS Teaching
and Learning Intensive 

It's the little things in teaching that make a difference. It might be providing transcripts of videos for students who prefer to read about ideas and digest them slowly; scheduling virtual office hours so your students know they can contact you. READ MORE

Wattle I Do?

‘Wattle I Do?’ is a new Wattle site for educators, created by the Science Teaching and Learning Centre. This great new initiative has been designed to save educators valuable time and to help focus on enhancing their teaching with new skills for second semester and beyond. READ MORE

The Challenge of Groupwork

CASE STUDY: There are many reasons why we use group work at university. One major reason is to provide students with experience working and communicating in teams as this is a highly valued graduate attribute. But, as educators we do little to teach students how to work effectively in groups. READ MORE

Every now and then, everyone needs support

Students are under additional strain this year and may reach out to teaching staff for wellbeing guidance. If you would like a digital and shareable handout/reference sheet to help provide guidance to students, please CLICK HERE.

The intensity of online conversion

CASE STUDY: Dr Esmé Shirlow has faced a whirlwind start to 2020, balancing the requirements of transitioning her intensive course into an online format with the finalisation of a new book.

Science of Learning Coffee Course

The Science of Learning coffee course will run from 11th - 14th August. This course brings together research from cognitive psychology, education and neuroscience to aid our understanding & application of effective teaching and learning strategies. READ MORE

Exploring Teaching and Learning Practice

Foundations is a space for reflecting on your practice, for exploring and revisiting core dimensions of teaching and learning in higher education, and for learning about pedagogical frameworks. 

Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence in Education 2020

ANU is committed to encouraging and rewarding excellence in teaching, with the VC's Awards for Excellence in Education recognising and celebrating the university's finest educators. The 2020 Awards will be announced at a webinar on 27 August. READ MORE

Principles of Tutoring and Demonstrating

Following an extended break, 47 intrepid tutors and demonstrators successfully participated in the remotely delivered Principles of Tutoring and Demonstrating Winter Intensive program. READ MORE

Refresh for Teaching Remotely site

The focus of the Teaching Remotely Wattle site continues to be helping ANU educators to adjust to the transition to remote learning during 2020. The site provides ANU educators access to support and training, educational designer consultations, peer-to-peer discussions. READ MORE

Call for Student Content

Students are invited to directly address burning topics, questions and themes that affect their learning experience. The student perspective is being actively sought to give a fuller picture of learning and teaching at ANU. READ MORE

Zoom Training

If you are teaching remotely for the first time this semester the CLT Ed design team is running regular Zoom Training sessions. 

TWIRL & SWIRL practical suggestions

Wondering how to make improvements based on the feedback in the TWiRL/SWiRL surveys? See some practical suggestions from CLT Educational Designers - and contact us to arrange a consult or for more assistance.

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