The Church of England Education Office
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Dear Colleagues,

In this final week of term before Christmas, this bulletin comes as a simple reminder about the national conference on 7th February, hoping that you’ll sign up before Christmas so that we can continue to plan details.
Last time I made reference to the John Lewis advert and so in this bulletin I’m pleased to link to the Church of England campaign which has received widespread coverage over the weekend. You can watch it here:  #FollowTheStar Christmas advert. The 90 second advert features genuine churchgoers of different ages going about Christmas preparations at their local church and is a delightful contrast to the ‘spend, spend, spend’ adverts that are filling our screens.
So, with the message of Christmas filling our schools, churches and homes this week, let me take the opportunity to thank you for all you have done in serving your schools over 2018 and wish you a very Merry Christmas and a good break as we look forward to all that 2019 holds.
With warmest greetings,

Rev’d Nigel Genders
Chief Education Officer
Church of England Education Office

Christmas prayer

Holy Jesus,
by being born one of us,
and lying humbly in a manger,
you show how much God loves the world.
Let the light of your love always shine in our hearts,
until we reach our home in heaven,
and see you on your throne of glory.
The Church of England invites you to #FollowTheStar this Christmas. You can sign up to receive daily emails from Christmas Eve to Epiphany. Each one includes a picture, a short Bible passage, a simple prayer and an action to reflect on. Find out more here
This Christmas marks 50 years of Church of England Christingle services. There's still time to attend a Christingle - you can search for services and find great Christingle resources on The Children's Society website
Time to Talk day takes place on 7 February. Organised by the mental health charity, Time to Change, this day seeks to help everyone have a conversation about mental health. Free resources can be ordered or downloaded here

National Conference 7 February 2019 

Our third National Conference will be taking place at Central Hall, Westminster and will feature a fantastic range of keynote speakers, practical workshops, networking and collaboration.

We are thrilled to welcome The Secretary of State for Education, the Bishop of London, the Chaplain to the Speaker, Dame Alison Peacock, Bill Lucas, Mary Myatt and many others to share on this crucial leadership area. Tickets are priced at £125+VAT. 


Now open for bookings:

Out-of-school settings voluntary safeguarding code of practice 
The Department for Education are seeking views on a draft voluntary safeguarding code of practice for out-of-school settings  (OOSS) providers and associated parental guidance. The code of practice is intended to be a supportive resource for OOSS providers and the accompanying guidance for parents and carers is intended to be an aide to help parents and carers make more informed and confident choices when choosing out-of-school settings for their children. You can respond to the consultation until 24 February 2019. 

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