CRCS-ICRS Wednesday Forum
12 September - 5 December 2018
Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada
5 December: Emerging digital Islamic Socialities among Bandung’s Youth
Speaker: Dayana Lengauer
(Video - Poster)
28 November: Lakoat Kujawas and Village Revitalization Based on Mollo Tradition
Speaker: Dicky Senda
(Video - Poster)
21 November: Broken Marriage: A Perspective from Gender Studies
Speaker: Siti Syamsiyatun
(Video - Poster)
14 November: Sufis, Soldiers, and the State: A State-Tariqa Alliance in Contemporary Java
Speaker: Ismail Fajrie Alatas
(Video - Poster)
7 November: Peace Education for Inner Transformation in Higher Education
Speaker: Le Ngoc Bich Ly
(Video - Poster)
24 October: Piety as Commodity: The Rise of Muslim-only Housing Complexes in Indonesia
Speaker: Maria Adriani
(Video - Poster)
17 October: Protecting the Future: Climate Change and Intergenerational Justice
Speaker: Daniel Petz
(Video - Poster)
10 October: Reclaiming the Sacred: The Theological and the Public at the Reclamation of Benoa Bay
Speaker: Daud Sihombing
(Video - Poster)
3 October: Dreams from the Golden Island: A Buddhist World in a Jambi Muslim Village
Speaker: Elizabeth Inandiak
(Video - Poster - Report)
26 September: Pancasila Contested: Competing Interpretations of Indonesia’s National Ideology
Speaker: Azis Anwar Fachrudin
(Video - Poster - Report)
19 September: Renegotiating Indonesia: The Role of Religious Institutions from the Contractualist Perspective
Speaker: Abdul Gaffar Karim
(Video - Poster - Report)
12 September: Visiting al-Aqsa: Revisiting Its Contested History, Understanding Its Global Future
Speaker: Achmad Munjid
(Video - Poster - Report)