Lutz Preparatory School K-8 Weekly Reminders, December 10, 2018
Monday, December 10:
Every Monday: All Students May Wear Their "Pay It Forward" School T-Shirt with Uniform Bottoms
6th, 7th, & 8th Student Council Field Trip
Wednesday, December 12:
Early Release Day, Dismissal Begins at Noon
School Wide Writes!
Bolts of Blue Non-Uniform Day for Synergize Level OR Students May Donate $6
PTA Sponsored All Pro Dad Meeting
Thursday, December 13:
Winter Concert - See Dress Requirements for Students Performing
Friday, December 14:
Middle School Strike Zone Awards - 1st Quarter
Reminders for All Week:
Yearbook Pre-Sale Reduced Rate Through 12/21
Keep Clipping Box Tops to Support Lutz Prep
You've Been Jingled! Holiday Cheer Necklace on Sale Through December 17th - see flyer below for details
Habit of the Month December Think Win-Win
Parent Tip of the Week: Encourage students to seek a third alternative instead of compromising to develop a Win-Win situation.
Volunteer Corner Winter Concert Volunteers Needed! Especially for set up on 12/12 and clean up on 12/13 (ability to lift heavy objects is needed). Must be HCPS approved for the 2018-19 school year. Click HERE for sign up genius.
Wednesday, December 12th, 2018 Dismissal Begins at Noon
Bolts of Blue Non-Uniform Day
Sponsorship Levels of Synergize ($300) and Above OR Students May Donate $6
Please read carefully, this is NOT AN ALL STUDENT dress down day.
Thank You to Our Synergize Package Sponsors
Students whose sponsorship levels reached the Synergize Package ($300) and above have a non-uniform day on Wednesday, December 12th. Homeroom teachers will be given Synergize Level and above rosters to validate those students who were awarded this non-uniform day.
Additional Students May Still Participate!
Any student(s) still wishing to participate in this non-uniform day can turn in their donation of $6.00 to their teacher on Wednesday, December 12th. Funds will apply to Bolts of Blue Campaign.
School Wide Writes!
Students in 2nd through 8th grades will be taking a practice writing test on Wednesday, December 12th. Please make sure your student arrives to school on time ready to focus on the task at hand. Please see your teacher for details.
PTA Updates
All Pro Dad Meeting
Hey Dads and Kids...warm up with the kids next week! Even though our calendars are filled already with parties and concerts, etc., there is always time for breakfast. Join us for December's Lutz Prep/Lutz Pre-Prep All Pro Dad - Dad’s and Kid’s Breakfast.
This month's topic is "Generosity". Big Idea: Most people live life looking to take rather than give. Being generous is an important attribute to teach and model for our children. Giving can fuel the general happiness and well-being in not only the person that we help, but also in us when we give. Generosity demonstrates that we truly value others and are willing to reach out and meet their needs.
Team up with other Lutz Prep Dads and Kids for a quick before-school breakfast on Wednesday, December 12. Doors open at 7:00 AM. The program starts at 7:15 AM and ends at 7:45 AM. Remember to bring your driver's license to check in with the main office for your visitor's badge. It’s fun and it’s free. You and your kids will be glad you came! Great way to start the morning. Contact Ryan Martin with any questions.
Winter Concert Thursday, December 13, 2018
We are so excited to present Grades Kindergarten, 1st, 6th, 7th and 8th in this year's Winter Concert. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend.
9:00 AM ~ 1st Grade performance “December Gifts.”
9:45 AM ~ Kindergarten performance “December Gifts.”
10:30 AM ~ 6th Grade performance
11:15 AM ~ 8th Grade performance
12:15 PM – 7th Grade dance and music performance
Students should dress for the concert in school appropriate dress shirts and pants, ties, dresses, etc. according to Hillsborough County guidelines. If students wish to change out of their concert clothes after the performance, they may change into their standard LP school uniform.
During the dance performance, 7th grade Fitness students should wear a white school appropriate top and black bottoms. They will need black socks.
The entire school is invited to come watch! Staff will guide visitors through front south gate to circle around to the gym entrance. You may park in the regular parking lots, overflow lot is the field south of the main building. Please do not park in the car loops!
Middle School Strike Zone Awards for 1st Quarter
We will be celebrating our middle school students for their hard work during the 1st quarter with a Strike Zone Award. This award will be given to students with who had a 3.75 GPA or higher (no more than two B's) on their report card, no more than three absences, and no behavior infractions during the 1st quarter of the school year.
The Strike Zone ceremony will be held in the gym on Friday, December 14th at 7:30 AM. Parents will enter through the South gate at 7:15 AM so we may start on time. Students arriving after 7:30 AM will not be permitted to enter the ceremony. Their items will be delivered to their classrooms later in the day.
Congratulations to the following students who will be recognized at the ceremony:
Yearbook Committee Needs Your Help!
Our yearbook committee needs your help to make the 2018-19 yearbook a wonderful keepsake for our students. Please upload any photos you have taken to the following DropBox links:
Bolts of Blue Events DropBox Link: This includes any pictures from spirit days or the Human Car Wash.
Great American Teach-In DropBox Link: This includes any pictures from our wonderful Great American Teach-In speakers.
Yearbook Pre-Orders Are Here - Don't Miss Out on Reduced Rate!
Parents, please make sure you are ordering the correct school, the K-8 public charter school has a different yearbook than the preschool with different order codes.
ONLINE ORDERS ONLY, no checks or cash will be accepted at any time for yearbook sales.
Lutz Preparatory K-8
ORDER NOW AND SAVE! Discounted rate of $30 from December 1-December 21
Regular sales at $35 will run December 22, 2018 - March 1, 2019. and enter code: 32389D
Lutz Pre-Prep
ORDER NOW AND SAVE! Discounted rate of $20 from December 1-December 21
Regular sales at $25 will run December 22, 2018 - March 1, 2019. and enter code: 32247M
You've Been Jingled
All proceeds benefit 5th grade end of year celebrations. Order forms will be sent home with students soon or click HERE for a printable order form.
Lost and Found will be donated Thursday, December 21th! Please claim your items before then! See Photos! If the item is labeled it will be returned to the homeroom teacher, any item not labeled will be donated.
Large volume of jackets, sweater, water bottles, and jackets.
PTA Box Top Program
Box Top Campaign
Keep clipping those Box Tops. Each Box Top turned in is more free money for our school!
This year each classroom has a collection goal of 300 each month and 1800 by the end of the year! Classroom collections will be tallied monthly and for the classes that achieve their monthly goals they will be rewarded!
Please follow these simple steps to help make our collection drive run smoothly:
Neatly cut and sort your Box Tops and place into baggies or print a fun collection sheet from HERE and adhere the Box Tops.
Place your child's name and homeroom teacher's name on the baggie or collection sheet so that he/she receives credit.
Baggies can be dropped off in the collection mailbox in the front lobby or with your homeroom teacher.
Saran Wrap Ball Game For the month of December, since we only have 3 weeks to collect Box Tops, we will be having an extra special contest! The first homeroom class to reach a collection of 500, unexpired Box Tops by 12/20/18, will receive a saran wrap ball, total prize value at over $100, to unwrap as a class on 12/21/18! The collection goal of 500 is only counting your December collections and not ongoing totals. Game rules will be presented to the winning classroom along with all supplies to play.
The saran wrap ball will be on display in the main lobby starting on Monday 12/10. Good luck and game on!
For the first week of the special contest: Mrs. Binkley's class just passed the 300 mark and Mrs. Adriani's class is not too far behind. Which class will reach 500 first for the coveted prize?