Thank you for your support of Canadian Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (CPFF).
You understand the importance of patient/care giver support, research, and advocacy. You’ve benefited from those who came before you and paved the way for the treatment that is available today to Pulmonary Fibrosis patients.
Would you consider becoming a monthly donor for $35?
  • 4 monthly donors at $35 per month will support a patient/care giver support for a year (room rental, coffee/tea, and CPFF patient guides).
  • 50 monthly donors at $35 per month will support advocacy, to push for earlier diagnoses in order to receive treatment to slow down the progression of Pulmonary Fibrosis.
  • 214 monthly donors at $35 per month will support the training an Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Respirologist Fellow for a year.
Please Pay It Forward today by becoming a monthly donor to CPFF.
Ask your family, friends and colleagues to join you in lieu of a Christmas gift.
We can create hope together!
It’s easy to set up and I would be happy to guide you through the process.
 Sharon Lee
Executive Director
Connect with us:

Breathing Should Never Be Hardwork

Whether a patient, a caregiver, a family member, or a close friend join our Facebook Support Groups:

Canadians Living with Pulmonary Fibrosis

Support for Toronto General Lung Transplant Recipients and Caregivers
Our mailing address is:
Canadian Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation
47 Squire Baker's Lane
Markham, Ontario
L3P 3G8

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