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“Then Gideon built an altar there to the Lord and named it ‘The Lord is Peace’. To this day it is still in Ophrah of the Abiezrites.” – Judges 6:24

The journey of life is a two-minute ride, over more quickly than we anticipate. One syllable in the cosmic story. We are called to make the most of the journey. To steward and enjoy the brief existence we have been given.

When we ride a roller coaster, there is usually a spot where a camera flashes and takes our picture, screaming with hands raised and hair disheveled. People buy the picture to remember the moment. In Scripture, there are many monuments or ceremonies intended to create memories. Gideon built an altar to mark the significance of an important moment. We celebrate Christmas to commemorate and remember God’s great gift to humanity.

But there is also a sense in which every choice we make in our lives is a souvenir moment, an altar to the Lord. Every choice we make is a snapshot along the journey. An opportunity to act on belief. A checkpoint of choosing.

Today is a small blip on a short journey. But it carries significant opportunity - the potential to jolt eternity. The brief opportunity to live a life of faith is much more than a souvenir that will end up in the trash. Opportunities to make choices rooted in faith will make up the portion of our lives that last. Our decisions have eternal significance. Today is a day when we have the opportunity to make every choice reflect a true perspective rooted in a faith in our loving Creator.

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