Inspiring consciousness since 1957–The Pathwork Lectures offer guidance and advice for self-development and personal growth.
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My Personal Story—How I Found the PATH

by Catherine Karas

I came to the Pathwork in a very unlikely, and, to my mind, guided way. I was 30 years old and ten months into a difficult marriage during 9 months of which I was in a deep depression. As everyone does to fight depression, I went to a palm reader! She was a serious reader who focused on vocation. Well, I had known my vocational path since I was 4 years old (I was called to do something in medicine) but, I was still drawn to her.  At the end of the reading, she said two sentences which have always stuck with me: read more.
We the Foundation are excited to announce two new columns for In-Connection.
1. A column called:  HOW I FOUND THE PATH
2. And another one  called:  WHAT THE PATH HAS MEANT TO ME

We invite you to share your own

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

With Love -
Catherine Karas
SAVE THE DATES: The Foundation is hoping to make a truly international gathering of our diverse spiritual family. Mark your calendars to attend the leadership conference May 20-21 followed by the general conference May 21-25.

Do you want to help organize this event? Do you want to attend? Do you want to present teachings, lead a group through prayer, meditation, dance or some other modality? Send your thoughts, hopes and wishes to Paul Paquette, conference organizer.

From Our President – Pathwork Needs Your Help Today
Contributed by Catherine Karas, President

“To whom much is given, much is required.”—Luke 12:48

The International Pathwork Foundation needs your help to continue its operations – to protect Pathwork copyrights, to connect the various circles of Pathwork around the world, to keep our website available and vibrant, and to help make Pathwork available in the world.  

If you’ve been given the gift of Pathwork transformation, and the gift of sharing that transformation with others, I’d like to invite you to give back.

Not out of obligation. Not because some “authority” is asking. But because it’s true to your Highest Spirit. We’re interested in mindful contribution. Read More.
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Falling Snowflakes 

A Guided Meditation for the Season.

Christmas Message—Message to the Children

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 219 | March 01, 1974

 . . . Every one of you here is able, at this point, to create your life anew, to set a new direction from within.  Much of this is already happening to many of you, as you are well aware, and more can happen.  At this time, in your realm of consciousness, you celebrate a symbolic event.  You celebrate the Christ-consciousness, or the divine consciousness deep within your own being. Read more.

Birth of a New Pathwork Community in Florida

Contributed by Cibele Salviatto

I met my current husband in 2007 and in 2008 we were married. In 2009 my husband, me and his three adolescent sons were living in Miami, Florida. It has never happened in my life before—that I allow my heart and intuition to guide me even against all the odds. At that time, I was running a corporate sustainability consulting company in São Paulo. I did not have children and had no desire to leave Brazil, much less move to the USA, and even less to move to Miami. Read more.

New in 2019!
Navigate Your Spiritual Journey with... G.P.S.

Growing Through Pathwork Studies
A Free Online Lecture Study Series
2nd & 4th Mondays, 8:00pm - 9:30pm EST
Learn more

Let It Begin With Me: 
Igniting A Flame, Spreading the Fire of Transformation

with Cindy Haney and Beth Hedquist / Jan. 8 - Mar. 17, 2019

Re-connect with your Real Self to bring powerful change to your life and to the world! This group will combine online meetings and two retreats at Sevenoaks Retreat Center.

Learn more.

Manifesting Abundance

with Julia Jensen and Miriam Smith

6 Classes
Online, Mar. 6 - May 15
Weekend Workshop in North Andover, MA. Jun. 1-2

Learn more.
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