
Underwater Photo Gear

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thank you to our customers new and long term who have supported us through this year! We hope that we have been able to support you in return. We want to wish you a peaceful and relaxing time with family and/or friends over the holiday season! 

Have a great break and we'll see you in the new year!

Best wishes this summer and we hope you have some great diving adventures and take some amazing shots!

From Dave, Petal and Sophie

Christmas/Summer hours reminder

Sea Tech will be closing for Christmas/Summer on Monday 24th December and opening again on Wednesday 16th. If you have an urgent need in this time you will be able to contact us via email, and you can still make purchases via our website but because we won't be in the office you may have a wee wait for your products to arrive.

Shades of Colour Photo Comp.

Send us your pictures from your summer diving adventures! You can win Sea Tech vouchers and get published in Dive Pacific magazine!

You can find info about entering here. Just make sure to send us large files - we need 300dpi for printing in the magazine! Old galleries of photos are here - check 'em out, there're some stunners.

Or just send us some pictures now! The next comp closes in mid January (the 14th).

Issue 167 Dec/Jan winners.

Clockwise from Top Left:
Advanced Winner: Irene Middleton, ‘Juvenile flying fish';
Advanced Runner Up: Mark Blomfield, ‘Crocodile Fish’;
Novice Winner: Russell Grant, ‘Ascent’;
Novice Runner Up: Paul Williams, ‘Close encounter during shark feeding’.
Above images cropped - see originals and other entries here.
Copyright © 2018 Sea Tech Ltd, All rights reserved.

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