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The solstice from a Dao Drombeg Solstice

The earth isn't round!
It's not flat neither.
It's shaped like a potato.

It's the tilt of our potato that causes the seasons.
During winter, the northern hemisphere is at a greater angle to the sun than during summer.
Less light in in winter, more during summer.
Hence the temperature change also.  Come to Drombeg on Dec. 21st at 3pm to be on time for sundown.

That's the astronomy part, the ancients were onto this and much more, just by observing with their eyes!.

The professors of Dao also noted how life reacts to all these changes. They knew that tidal changes and fertility cycles were intricately connected to the moon. 
They also saw animals hibernating in winter and proliferating in summer.
They discovered that if we follow nature following the movement of the sun and planets, we should rest our bodies and contemplate life more during winter, and work more during summer.
The upshot being, fast before and after the solstice!

The shortest day, the least light, means it's best to create the least stress on our body.

How? The usual liver detox diet.
No alcohol, tobacco, sweets, coffee, sugar, white flour biscuits, maybe less red meat.

Start now, finish when it's Christmas.
Hey, the Dao teachers recommend a whole month of it, we are doing solstice lite.

Sunday 27 January 2019 - Nano Nagle Birthplace

Improving Qi and Blood circulation in the Kidneys
Beginners and improvers

Energise and Prepare your body-mind for Spring with Shaolin Qigong and Daoist Meditation.


SMA, Wilton, Cork. Starting January 8. Time: 6 - 7.30 PM.

An Sanctoir, Ballydehob, West Cork. Start 18 January. Time 9.30 AM.

Keep belly breathing,


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