
A Word from the Director

Elaine Roman, TIPTOP Project Director
As 2018 comes to a close, I am humbled by not only the progress across our TIPTOP countries but excited for what is to come in 2019 and beyond.  From baseline studies to start up implementation of C-IPTp, countries are prepared to continue efforts that will give pregnant women access to IPTp with quality assured SP, in their communities as well as the antenatal care facility.  
The recently launched World Malaria Report 2018, underscores the need to scale up prevention and treatment and protect vulnerable populations.  The TIPTOP project is contributing to this vision and importantly moving malaria in pregnancy programming to the next level. This is realized through volunteers like Marta José in Mozambique who is increasing demand among pregnant women in her community for IPTp-SP so that  these women receive at least  3 doses to protect themselves and their babies. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season and a very happy new year. 
Best wishes for 2019!

Photo below: Marta José, TIPTOP Lay Community Counselor, John Segredo Community, Nhamatanda District, Sofala Province, Mozambique
Photo credit: Paulo Bulule, Jhpiego

Voices from the field

"I did 6 ANC visits and had 3 doses of SP and I have a healthy baby boy.  This motivated me to volunteer to encourage other pregnant women to go to ANC and get SP. When I educate pregnant women I use myself as an example by telling them, ‘Look, I have a healthy baby.  He was born with a good weight.  He is healthy because I took SP.'  I have 4 children and took SP with all of my pregnancies and all were healthy when they were born.”
Marta José, TIPTOP Lay Community Counselor, Mozambique 
Click here to see a year of TIPTOP in photos

Meet some of the TIPTOP team members from Jhpiego around the globe

Solofo Razakamiadana

Monitoring & Evaluation Advisor, Jhpiego Madagascar
The thing that excites me most about TIPTOP is: Sharing data and highlighting the valuable work everyone is doing to keep pregnant women healthy. It is exciting to see the trend in the data increasing along with all the effort spent. 

Mizan Gebremichael

Finance Manager, Jhpiego Headquarters

The thing that excites me most about TIPTOP is: The fact that it is an initial investment which can have a long term impact by protecting the newborn child from malaria.

Orji Bright Clement

Program Manager, Jhpiego Nigeria
The thing that excites me most about TIPTOP is: Building on evidence that community involvement and active participation in disease prevention and control can improve better health outcomes.
Visions from the field
Antonio Sande, a community health worker from Lamego Locality in Mozambique, displaying the empty foil packets from sulfadoxine pyrimethamine he has already distributed to eligible pregnant women in his health catchment area.  
Photo credit: Paulo Bulule, Jhpiego
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