
Indivisible Day of Action Letters

December 20, 2018


January 3, 2019 is a National Indivisible Day of Action to let our Members of the 116th U.S. Congress know what we expect of them!

The “First 100 Days of Congress” is when a new Congress indicates its agenda priorities for the next two years. It is, therefore, our window for influencing that agenda and our chance to set the tone with Congress. We have an opportunity to take the momentum from the election and bring it with us into issue advocacy.

We have been resisting the current executive and legislative branches for two years. Now, we have the opportunity to shift from a defensive strategy of resistance to a proactive strategy of offense. We can use congressional oversight in the House to hold Trump and other members of the executive branch accountable for their corruption, and we can set a progressive legislative agenda and Democratic party platform in preparation for taking back the Senate in 2020.

But we can do that only if we flex our movement muscle and make our voice loud and clear from the very beginning. That is why Indivisible groups across the country are showing up at district offices on January 3rd, the first day of the 116th U.S. Congress, to say:
“Whose House? Our House! We are here, we are paying attention, and we will hold you accountable for what you do - and by the way, in case you forgot, we are very powerful and we have a huge movement behind us.”
And what are we doing when we show up?

The first bill of the year is usually reserved for the top legislative priority of the party in control of that chamber. In the last Congress, House Resolution 1 (H.R.1) was reserved for the GOP’s number one priority: the GOP Tax Scam - a massive handout to corporations and the wealthy.

This year, we want the first major legislative effort in a Democratically-controlled House (see: H.R.1) to be a robust democracy reform bill. IndivisibleNOCO has written letters to Representative Neguse (CD2) and Representative Buck (CD4) asking them to publicly demand that H.R.1 be a bold, progressive, and comprehensive bill that strengthens our democracy by addressing voter suppression, money in politics, and corruption. We hope that Representative Buck will support these efforts, but if he does not, we can at least get him on record for not supporting our efforts to strengthen democracy.

We have also written letters to Senator Bennet and Senator Gardner welcoming them to the 116th Congress and stating our expectations of them over the next two years.

Please click on the links above for your Representative (either CD2 or CD4) and both Senators and sign the letters today. We will deliver the letters on January 3. The more signatures we have, the more powerful and impactful the message. We have almost 2,000 members of IndivisibleNOCO - imagine delivering three letters with almost 2,000 signatures on each! It will take you less than than two minutes and can make a bigger impact than attending a rally or swearing at the latest news story!

Members of Congress (MoCs) Contact Information
You can download MoC contacts straight to your phone.

Senator Cory Gardner (R)
Fort Collins: (970) 484-3502
More contact options

Senator Michael Bennet (D)
Fort Collins: (970) 224-2200
More contact options

Rep Ken Buck (R), CD-4
Greeley: (970) 702-2136
More contact options


Yours in Action!

This email was produced by unpaid IndivisibleNOCO 
volunteer citizens who are constituents of our Colorado Members of Congress.


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