
Newsletter Talking Hands, December 2018

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Dear donors and friends of Talking Hands,

Talking Hands wishes you a very merry Christmas and a happy 2019! We hope for a productive year. At the beginning of 2019, Ine leaves for Uganda for a few months to start the process of purchasing land. She will also help to register the New Hope School for the Deaf as an NGO (now the school is formally a Community Based Organization).

Curious about what else has happened recently? Read our latest newsletter here, with news from Uganda and the Netherlands!

Make a donation!

Christmas market Singen

Ine is still at the Christmas market in Singen this month. Here she sells handmade products from Uganda. Naturally, all profits go to our projects in Uganda.

Unlike previous years, she does not work alone this year. We would like to thank the volunteers who are committed to making the Christmas market possible!

What you can do

Inspired? Would you also like to contribute to Talking Hands and do you have time to spare? We are always looking for help! You could, for example, translate texts (NL-Eng, NL-De, Eng-De), design promotional material or organize a fundraising activity, such as a sale of second-hand items or Ugandan crafts in your neighbourhood. Or ask a donation to Talking Hands as a gift for your birthday or anniversary!

The work we do in Uganda is very important! We would therefore like to ask you kindly to support us. To help us secure the future of our projects, we are especially happy with a monthly donation, but of course all contributions are very welcome! You can donate to Talking Hands Foundation, IBAN: NL74 RABO 0301 2992 50

Collection of laptops and smartphones

Regular communication with the employees and the projects in Uganda is very important to us. Do you have laptops, smartphones and digital cameras that you no longer use? We would be happy to take them over! There is a collection point at the Christmas market in Singen, or contact us via Facebook or e-mail.

Make a donation!

Your donation is highly appreciated!  You can donate to:
Stichting Talking Hands IBAN: NL74 RABO 0301 2992 50

Thank you for reading this newsletter!

Remarks and ideas concerning the school, the foundation or this newsletter are always very welcome. Please do not hesitate to send us a message via

You can also follow us on facebook to stay informed on the activities of our foundation.
Make a donation!
Copyright © 2018 Stichting Talking Hands, All rights reserved.

You can make a donation to NL74 RABO 0301 2992 50 attn Stichting Talking Hands. 

If you have questions, tips or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us! Our email address is:

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