December 2018: What's in the New Action Plans?

As we look forward to a new year, we are taking a moment to look back at the successes and challenges of 2018 and sharing a preview of what’s to come in 2019 with the new OGP action plans.

In this issue:
Morocco goes digital! The future of open government in the country
From access to information to gender-focused commitments in Uruguay 
Co-creating in the twin cities: A look back to Sekondi-Takoradi’s co-creation process
Engaging at all levels: The challenges and opportunities for open government in Euskadi
Updating democracy: Yellow vests and white collars in France

Plus news from around the world of open gov, jobs, and more

The OGP Morocco Digital Agenda 

By Sarah Lamrani, Administration and Civil Service Reform Ministry, Morocco

After many years of civil society organizations and reformers in government expressing interest in the Partnership, Morocco joined OGP in 2018. In their first action plan, Morocco commits to creating digital platforms that allow citizens to better connect with the government, send feedback, and access information to hold it accountable. Read more about these and other commitments here

The Yellow Vests Movement and the Urge to Update Democracy

By Paula Forteza, Parliament of France

Recent events in France remind us of the need to empower and include citizens in government processes so they effectively responds to people’s needs. In her latest blog, French Parliamentarian Paula Forteza stresses the importance of effectively implementing OGP commitments and transform words into actions to make the government serve its citizens. 

In the spirit of co-creation, OGP Global Summit agendas are designed with the community through an open call for proposals. The call for proposals and registration for the 6th OGP Global Summit in Canada will open in early 2019. Further information is available at

Democracy, a Precious Asset We Must Protect

By Ninoschka Dante, Government of Uruguay

In their latest action plan, reformers in government and civil society in Uruguay have not only committed to making information more accessible to the public but have laid out gender-specific commitments to eliminate gender-based violence and to ensure the voices of women and the youth are included in open government processes. Learn more here. 

Euskadi or the Knowledge that Used to Get Lost in Between the Seams

By Luis Petrikorena, Basque Government 

The Basque Country or Euskadi was one of the five local entities that joined the OGP Local program in 2018. In order to create Euskadi’s first action plan, government institutions and civil society organizations at different levels and scattered throughout the territory came together to translate their shared vision into five concrete commitments. Read more about them here

Share your story with OECD! We want to hear from you - in government, civil society & private sector - on how you address challenges in your community through innovative #OpenGov practices. Learn more here

From Plan to Action: The Co-Creation Process in Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis

By Isaac Aidoo, Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly

The Sekondi Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly in Ghana was one of the nine OGP participants who developed a strong co-creation process with the help and support from the OGP Multi-Donor Trust Fund. Learn about the tools, strategies, and outcomes of their co-creation process as well as some new commitments to open the government here


Inese Kušķe
State Chancellery, Republic of Latvia

Why is adopting a Whistleblower’s Protection law important for a country like Latvia?

The previous regulation was not sufficient. The dominant perception amongst citizens was that it did not make much sense to report corruption. As a result, we saw many examples of people coming forward to report abuses. With the new law, reporting, handling of the reports made, and whistleblower protection guarantees are all linked together in one special mechanism. This law -for the first time in our country- shows that reporting a violation with honesty and sense of fairness is the right behavior and that should the person reporting encounter any problems, they will get protection guarantees. The law is an important contribution to a democratic, open and participatory culture. It is also a way to say we can achieve safety and justice in our country if we all take it as a shared responsibility.

Read the full interview with Inese here.

Employment Opportunities

Call for IRM National Researchers
The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is seeking individuals to carry out research at the national and local level in a variety of localities to assess government progress on implementation of their OGP Action Plans.


The call for proposals and registration for the 6th OGP Global Summit in Ottawa, Canada will be open in early January 2019. Find more information here

OGP joined other voices for the United Nations 16 Days of Action against Gender-Based Violence. Read more about what OGP is doing to advance gender issues and the need for more gender-focused commitments in OGP action plans.

The OGP Steering Committee met in Washington, D.C. on December 5 and 6. Check out their agenda here

OGP commitments are capable of achieving transformative impact. Read how starred commitments in countries and local governments around the world are impacting people’s lives here



OECDOG launched its first ever call for open government innovative cases. Be part of the community paving the way for a new wave of #OpenGov. More here.

Explore over 100 indicators of governance and #opengov across Africa in the latest Ibrahim Index of African Governance

In their latest publication, the Open Contracting Partnership busts common confidentiality myths in the world of public procurement and lays out the 5 key principles to making information public.


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