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Hello there!

Happy, happy new year! Welcome to the year of growth and abundance. 

Like a blink of an eye, 2018 is now behind us. And like every year, it was a bit of a roller-coaster ride, full of ups and downs, comedy and tragedy, celebrations, joy, laughter, worry and disappointment. 

I learnt a lot in 2018 and I'm super fired up to feed that learning into this year's plans and activities so that I can serve more people around the world.

When I was younger, I used to think that I just needed to get certain things in place and then everything would be fine. I believed that I needed more knowledge, more experience, more money, more energy, more space, more, more, more.

It took me quite a while to appreciate that I already had all of the resources I needed  to take positive action on a daily basis, despite the chaos occurring around me. I just didn't know how to unlock those resources.  I also didn't realise that no one could determine how I felt, but me. And it’s exactly the same for you.

As we enter 2019, I want to take a moment to acknowledge everybody who positively impacted my life in 2018.  A decade ago, we envisaged living a life that supported holistic wellness: physical, mental, emotional, social, financial. Today, we are living that life and I feel beyond grateful for the opportunities that have come our way. 

A huge thank you to the RAW Energy team, Heather, Sylvie and Gabu, who have done an awesome job in the background helping us in so many ways.
And finally, a big thank you to you, for your attention, your feedback and for allowing us into your life. 
As we travel through 2019, our intention is to bring you more programmes to help you unlock the RAW or Real energy that exists inside all of us. RAW stands for Resilience, Authenticity and Wellbeing and we see Energy as the outcome of Wellbeing. 

Whilst we can outline our intentions at the start of the year, none of us really knows what 2019 will bring.  However, one thing I do know and believe with passion is that whilst it will be full of highs, some lows, some uncertainty and lots of adventure,  we will get to a good place and the world be a bit happier and healthier as long as we work together, celebrate differences and recognise that together we are definitely stronger.

Wishing you peace and joy and a very happy new year.


Three Steps to A Better Life

Back in 1999, I was at a crossroads in my life. I was working for the Financial Times in London, but was struggling. I sat at my desk one December evening and started to write. From my hand, flowed a summary of where I was at that time, and then I allowed the pen to keep moving and outline the life I wanted to live one day.  

Over time, I refined the techniques to create a programme that I follow every year to keep upgrading my own life and it now forms the
basis of my whole coaching philosophy that I use to help 100s of others upgrade their lives too. My big goal is to make the world a healthier place, one person at a time, and I’ve now (finally) pulled together my own strategies and toolkits into a programme to help you upgrade your life wherever you are on your journey.

This programme has been designed to walk you through the thinking process required to:
  • Understand where you are right now.  You can’t move forward without fully understanding your starting point and being honest with yourself. It’s easy to gloss over
  • Create some ideas that turn into goals for where you want to go. It helps you think bigger 
  • Pinpoint those blockers that hold you still, that keep you stuck in a situation

A Better Life is the result of 20 years of my own life experience, plus the insights from coaching and working with 100s of people. I designed this for my own life as I knew there had to be a better way.

I used tools that I
learnt in marketing and the business world and applied them to my own life, seeing myself as the CEO of my own life 

You are the CEO of your life and it’s time
to take ownership of your life and start to make small changes that lead to big transformation. If I can do it, you can too.

Everything is energy and so much energy is wasted worrying, being fearful and regretting.  Just imagine how much good you can create with all of that energy!
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