
 Move it, or you'll lose it! 💪

Happy New Year! One of the most common new year resolutions is losing weight and getting in shape. Nobody feels that desire more than moms, pretty much on a daily basis, as our bodies take a beating to create our families. We lose muscle tone and get a flat butt, and after baby is born are left with a fupa. But, you know who often comes last in the attention area - YOU.

It doesn't have to be this way.

In no way am I a fitness expert, but, I am a fitness consistent having lost and gained 60 pounds during each of my three pregnancies. How'd I do it? I put my boys on a schedule so when they woke from a nap we'd hightail it to the gym where I would dump them in the daycare. I got a break from being their everything and they learned how to socialize.

I focused on the three food groups - lean protein, veggies and wine - because, face it, wine gives me life and makes me a better human. Most importantly, I'd compartmentalize my messy house to focus on me and exercise out my stresses and anxieties and the annoyances my kids bring into my headspace. I learned all I needed was to to pound out the stresses of family life so I wouldn't yell and lose it on my kids for them being kids.

Do what makes you happy to love yourself most and, if you happen to jiggle less in the process, that won't suck at all. 

Love, Eirene

On Chicago Tribune
What it's like becoming a parent after 40: 'He’s forcing me not to be my age’
Experts, including Eirene, talk about the difficulties and the positives involved in becoming a parent after 40 on Chicago Tribune.

On Motherly
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have different ideas about how many kids they should have
Kim and Kanye are hardly alone in trying to navigate the marriage dilemma of how many kids each partner wants. Here are factors to consider, including advice from Eirene, on Motherly.

On Chicago Parent
Eating out with kids; Tips to avoid a nightmare
As soon as you have children, you realize that some of the most enjoyable things you used to do become the most stressful: sleeping, showering and dining out. It doesn't have to be this way! Read more on Chicago Parent.

On Real Simple
How to deal with a sick kid
Breathe. Sick days happen. And they may give you the gift of uninterrupted bonding time you rarely get to enjoy on your healthier—but much busier—days. Read tips from Eirene and other experts about how to maintain your sanity on Real Simple.

7 tips on finding time to work out as a busy mom
Happy 2019! It’s the start of a New Year - A time to set goals, start anew, and become a better you. Here are Eirene's top tips on finding time to work out as a busy mom in 2019 on TODAY.

If you're ready for a GIT Mom consultation to Get It Together in 2019 click HERE to chat with Eirene.
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