
The Ending of The Year

Humans are the only living beings that make a note of days/weeks/months.

I’m sure our pets don’t, even though they might ‘know’ when it’s dinner time…

As an Astrologer, I know for sure that the planets have no idea about days/weeks or months.

They do their thing, orbiting the Sun, because that’s what they do.

They don’t know the difference between the year 1800 or 2018

It’s us, the humans, that tried to make a calendar according to how long it takes the Earth to orbit the Sun.

I think the ‘modern’ calendar is so far removed from anything natural and now is just a random numbering machine, that it’s nice to know about how other cultures take The Universe into account.

Over the ages various cultures have made all sorts of different calendars.

The Jewish Calendar
The Jewish calendar is based on three astronomical phenomena: the rotation of the Earth about its axis (a day); the revolution of the moon about the Earth (a month); and the revolution of the Earth about the sun (a year). These three phenomena are independent of each other, so there is no direct correlation between them. On average, the moon revolves around the Earth in about 29½ days. The Earth revolves around the sun in about 365¼ days, that is, about 12.4 lunar months.

The civil calendar used by most of the world has abandoned any correlation between the moon cycles and the month, arbitrarily setting the length of months to 28, 30 or 31 days.

The Jewish calendar, however, coordinates all three of these astronomical phenomena. Months are either 29 or 30 days, corresponding to the 29½-day lunar cycle. Years are either 12 or 13 months, corresponding to the 12.4 month solar cycle.

The Chinese Calendar
The Chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar that is used to determine important festival dates, such as Chinese New Year.
It is based on exact astronomical observations of the sun's longitude and the Moon's phases. It attempts to have its years coincide with the tropical year and shares some similarities with the Jewish calendar.
In both these calendars, a common year has 12 months and a leap year has 13 months; and an ordinary year has 353–355 days while a leap year has 383–385 days.

The Islamic Calendar
Muslims around the world use the Islamic calendar to determine the dates of religious events and observances. It is also known as the Hijri calendar or the Muslim calendar. The Hijri calendar is not to be confused with the Solar Hijri calendar used in Iran and Afghanistan.

The Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar tied to the Moon phases.
Each month lasts for a full lunation, which is the time span from one New Moon to the next. This Moon cycle encompasses all the phases of the Moon.

The timing of the months in the Islamic calendar is based on astronomical observation. A new month can only begin after a Waxing Crescent Moon is observed shortly after sunset. The Waxing Crescent Moon is the Moon phase which starts right after a New Moon.
Unlike other calendar systems that use leap days or leap months to synchronise the calendar with the solar year, the Islamic calendar is completely detached from astronomical seasons marked by the equinoxes and solstices. An Islamic year consistently falls about 11 days short of the solar year.
For that reason, the Islamic calendar cannot be used for agriculture or other activities traditionally linked to the seasons, and most Muslim countries officially use the Gregorian calendar as their civil calendar alongside the Hijri system.

The Hindu Calendar – Panchanga
The Hindu calendar, also called Panchanga, is an ancient time reckoning system used for, among other things, determining the dates of Hindu festivals. It is a lunisolar calendar with many regional variations.

One of the most striking features of the Hindu calendar system is its intricacy. It offers a multi-dimensional method of structuring time, combining information about lunar days, solar days, lunar months, solar months, the movements of the Sun and the Moon in relation to stellar constellations, and other astronomically defined time spans. This makes the Hindu calendar vastly more complex than the western calendar, which is built around only two basic units of time: solar days and solar years.

To complicate things even further, there is not one single Hindu calendar. Each country and region uses its own variant of the ancient system. The Indian National Calendar or Saka Calendar, the official standardised calendar of India since 1957, represents only one of many variations of the Hindu calendar.

The Mayan Calendar 
The Mayan Calendar consists of three separate corresponding calendars: the Long Count, the Tzolkin (divine calendar), and the Haab (civil calendar). Each of them is cyclical, meaning that a certain number of days must occur before a new cycle can begin.

The three calendars are used simultaneously. The Tzolkin and the Haab identify the days, but not the years. The Long Count date comes first, then the Tzolkin date, and last the Haab date. A typical Mayan date would read: 4 Ahau 8 Kumku, where is the Long Count date, 4 Ahau is the Tzolkin date, and 8 Kumku is the Haab date.

The Ending of the Year and The New Year
So, when in the West we celebrate the ‘ending-of-the-year’ and the beginning of a New Year what exactly are we celebrating?

The way things are now we’re just having some time off and it bears no relation to anything Astrological, Astronomical, Lunar or Solar….that is of course unless you’re a Pagan.

The Pagan and Druid Year
Their year is divided into eight cycles. Four are lunar, four are solar that take into account the Solstices and Equinoxes.
This feels far more ‘natural’ for me and also far less complex.
More info here for Pagan

More info here for Druid

I like the fact that the Pagan Year is attuned into the cycles of nature/weather and Astrology.

The Spring Equinox: Beltane, falls on the first day of Aries
The Autumn Equinox is the first day of Libra
The Summer Solstice is the first day of Cancer
The Winter Solstice: Yule, is the first day of Capricorn

As you will note, these are all what we call Cardinal Signs.

The other festivals are celebrated on different dates but are directly in-between the seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter

Imbolc is when the Sun is 15 degrees into Aquarius
Beltane is when the Sun is 15 degrees into Taurus
Lammas is when the Sun is 15 degrees into Leo
Samhain is when the Sun is 15 degrees into Scorpio

And these are the Fixed signs.

Mind you, people celebrate these festivals at various other dates, and do you know, it really doesn’t matter….

What does matter is more people are tuning back into natural cycles. We can’t ignore the planet we live on and becoming aware of our weather/seasons and the movement of the planets allows us to become part of Nature not just observers of it. 

So, in my heart I will be celebrating Yule rather than Xmas.

And I wish you, whatever your beliefs, a wonderful time and many more to come.

This is an Extra Special Time for you. Not only is it your birthday but Jupiter your Ruling Planet (the biggest in our Galaxy) is now in your sign for one whole, wonderful year! Plus on the 13th Mercury enters Sagittarius, helping you feel Heard and Understood. Enjoy!

On the 9th-10th the Moon is in your sign, helping soften the edges of Saturn's Long, Serious 2-Year Transit. Use these dates to touch into your Highest Desires and put some faith and belief back into your world. If You don't Believe in You, no one else will. Bless!

Phew! No planets in your sign, so you can concentrate on that-which-brings-you-Joy. Have you thought about Joy and Happiness recently? Do you know what cheers you up or makes you feel centred? If not, do your best to end the year Starting Your True Search

Hoorah! Neptune has finished his retrograde movement, so there is nothing holding you back from being the person you want to be. However, Mars: God of War is now transiting so be careful you don't fly off the handle at anyone.  Self Care is important For You Now.

You can definitely say that 2018 was a year of ups and downs. The Ups were fun. The Downs were pants. Don't worry. Next year is completely different and you'll soon be back in the driving seat, as opposed to being at the mercy of Fate. Keep Steady. Stay Strong.

You are Planet-Free at the moment, so enjoy the Seasonal Cheer. Next year will be a test of your strength of character as Uranus returns in March for his 6-year transit. For now, just be you. Do the things you love. Be Safe, Steady, Patient, Reliable and Determined.

Mercury comes out of retrograde on the 7th so this might be quite a nice Yule Celebration for you. The Sun & Jupiter are in your opposite sign, so this will help you illuminate that which matters and increase your sense of wellbeing. Be Bright & Breezy!

Another sign with no planetary influence, which means you can end the year anyway you like! With the Moon in your sign on the 23rd-24th you can use those days to get snuggly, feel cared-for and either do lots of baking or family-gathering. And Plan Wisely For 2019.

Well! Aren't you the lucky one!! The Moon will be in your sign on Xmas & Boxing Day. So you'll either feel emotionally wonderful, or extremely stressed. Decide now what you'd prefer to be and make plans to suit your SELF, not everyone else! Go ON! Be Self-Caring!

Not much going on Astrologically. There are only 10 planets and 12 signs, and sometimes more than one planet is in a sign. This is when it's best to focus on those personal qualities where you shine. Which are being Rational, Perceptive, Shy and Discriminating.

The Year Ends with the Moon in Libra. Nice! Do some meaningful ritual to connect you with your Higher Source and/or your deeper feelings. They've been slightly neglected recently and need some attention. When you look after your feelings, Everyone Wins!

Ooo, how nice! Venus the Goddess of Lurve is in your sign for the whole of this month and a little bit of the New Year! A really nice way to end 2018.  I know certain things have been difficult but you're pulled through really well. I'm proud of you. Now Feel the Love!

As always, I am sending you Healing Light and Peaceful Energies as this year draws to a close...

P.s. I'll be back in 2019 for more Astrology, Homeopathy, Hypnotherapy and TLC... get in touch if you need more info or an appointment for a reading in the 'New Year'

Visit my New Website for More Info
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