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First, get heard. Then you can get referred!


Happy Monday, <<First Name>>!

If you've seen the movie Ex Machina, it explores the theme of machine-human attachments.

Well, I'm here to tell you that machines don't love you. And marketing algorithms are notoriously unfaithful - they keep changing what they like.

That's why our best marketing investment in 2019 (and beyond) will be in people. Human beings. Advocates who will sell for us and with us.

That's the theme of this week's Clarity Fuel blog post, which outlines how FOUR recent marketing books all have this human-to-human dynamic as an underlying theme.

Intrigued? Here's a quote from the post:

"Differentiate in such a way that you delight people and equip/motivate them to talk about you to others."

Today's Clarity over Coffee video also provides further insight.

Have you purchased your copy of Clarity Wins yet? If you have read it, can I ask you for a MASSIVE, really big, venti-sized favor? Would you go that link and leave a review for me on Amazon? As you know, that is one of main way people discover new books, and I would love your help to spread the word!

How can I be of service to you this week?

Warm regards,

Steve Woodruff
King of Clarity

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