
Material 2018 Session Videos

We are in the process of putting the final touches on the 2018 videos, but you can start watching now.

Material 2018 YouTube Playlist
If you prefer audio, you can listen to all the sessions from 2017 and 2018 as a podcast.

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2018 sessions are online.

If you couldn't make it, you can now watch and learn from some amazing speakers. 

We started the day with Charlotte Dann. She showed off her jewellery making process — from digital drafting, to 3D printing, to lost-wax metal casting to a finished product.

Next we had a short talk from Benjamin Hennig who wowed us with some amazing cartographic displays. If you've never seen an animated map of monthly rainfall over a world map, then you've never witnessed the Earth's heartbeat.

Hjalmar Gislason gave us a little demo of what he's been up to. It's called GRID and it is a new look at spreadsheets. With more than 2% of all computer time spent in spreadsheets, we have to ask ourselves if the web is made of spreadsheets.

Fresh out of school, Dewi Gywn Uridge has started a new style of co-working space on his old family farm right outside of London. His new breed won't be sheep or cows, but digital professionals.

Dan Rubin comes back again to talk about being a multi-disciplinarian. We draw from so many different sources in our lives and the more rich sources of input allow us new ways of looking at what the Web really is made of and made for.

It is always a mind-bending trip with Matt Jones. His reflection of companion-AI, TPUs, machine learning and how we are organising and re-organising the structure of the web. Are we big centralised systems or small distributed objects or somewhere in between?

Björn Steinar recounts some of his past projects. From the origin of some of the foods we eat to finding a new use for our societies food waste problem. By taking a low-value, perishable product and converting it to a high-value, luxury product he's stemming the tide of waste. What can we learn from this in respect for the Web?

Our final speaker of the day was Debbie Chachra. After an amazing day of talks, she rounded it out with her knowledge of material science. With examples of spider milk goats and bees that make polyester, it was a great session to tie the day together.

2017 videos too!

With each new edition of Material, our video archive gets bigger and stronger. We shouldn't forget that 2017 had some amazing presentations too!

Material 2017 YouTube Playlist
We had 9 amazing sessions in 2017: Solidwool explained their thinking behind how to turn something that is normally soft into hard and functional furniture. OmNom Chocolate, a local bean to bar chocolate company, taught us about the differences between milk and dark chocolate. Amber talked about how she brought her experience of psychology to the Web. Halldór gave us all a lesson on procedurally created music through the use of NASA moon landing photos. Goddur then took us through a history of design and only said a few controversial things. The next two speakers were both named Tristan, coincidentally. The first Tristan, from the BBC R&D team, showed us some of their experiments with perceptive media. You can read more about BBC R&D's "Beyond 800 words" and what they've been up to in 2018. The second Tristan from FlowVR gave us all a demo of meditation and how virtual reality opens new possibilities. Dan Rubin gave us a short little talk about his experience with photography and Tommy Stadlen from Polaroid Swing finished the day with a bunch of stuff we had to redact!

Material, Next Edition...

Joschi and Brian have been hard at work planning for the next edition of Material. Stay tuned to the next newsletter to learn more.

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