
Are you looking for a serious challenge?

[and a link to a product that works?]

The Super16 is an updated and upgraded and upskilled version of our Sweet16, with enhancements to make you drool.  With individually addressable RGB backlit switches, optional underglow and switch support now including choc, MX and ALPS... you're in for a world of pain.  Unless, of course, you're l33t.

Earn your stripes, with a new challenge that's sure to test your skills. Wanna know how tough it is?  The new Super16 was sent to 3 experienced influencers and 3 expert builders.  Only 2 were able to successfully complete it.  

It's our best-selling Sweet16 on crack, and speed, and meth, and bath salts.  Just trust that this thing is going to challenge you.  And, there's no support from us, if you ask, we'll just send you to the discord.  Oh, and there's no official support from QMK, so like, good luck. 

[sorry, when we sent this out yesterday, the link wasn't working... here it is again so you can click on it.]

Shop the [fixed link to the] SUPER16 Now

Not up for this type of challenge?

Don't worry, we have new beginner options on the way, and if you want to learn to solder, we still have the original Sweet16 in stock.
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