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Dear Friends,

Lately, I have been thinking about equality in relationships. The Jeff Bezos divorce has me scratching my head. It is disappointing that in 2019 we are still faced with headlines like this one which give no credit for the fact that these two Princeton grads drove cross country together to start Amazon. She did the bulk of the childrearing of their four kids which enabled him to spend more time on the company, and they were partners in every aspect of their lives. Community Property Laws exist to protect spouses in this situation.

Progress takes time but equality starts at home.


Jeff Bezos leaves $137B on the line without prenup in divorce
- Page Six
Headlines like this reek of sexism.
As Calls for R. Kelly Reckoning Intensify, RCA Records Stay Silent
Rolling Stone
The company is culpable too.
I Am (an Older) Woman. Hear Me Roar.
- NYT​
You’ve gotta love this! 


Create a Family Culture

If you are partnered, set aside time together to decide what the family culture looks like and what the rules should be. This is a fun and exciting way to embark on the rest of your parenting journey as a real team and establish a foundation for you to return to. Once complete, involve kids in the Family Constitution, and update it regularly.

With a strong culture in place, kids gain confidence and pride in where they came from, becoming more connected with you. The tighter the familial bond, the greater their respect for you and the family, and the easier parenting becomes.

Once you establish your family culture, communicate it clearly to any sitters, nannies, or anyone else who watches your kids. Just as you would with a list of emergency contacts or a grocery list, pass along the Family Constitution. For example, if you want your kids to eat healthily, the sitter should not be breaking open a bag of potato chips in front of them. In our home, we ask that adults not practice bad body talk, like mentioning their body weight or uttering, “I shouldn’t be eating this.”

Like every slice of your pie, this is a work in progress, but by being intentional in your parenting, you are going to proactively create the culture you desire and all of that up-front hard work will pay off in spades down the line. Intentional parenting will restore greater sanity, efficiency, and happiness to your home, making all of your slices easier—and what could be more delicious than that?


I was honored to be featured in Brit & Co. today. 

Spreading cheer is easier to do when you feel happy… But what if despite your best attempts to stick with your wellness routine, treat yourself with compassion, and prioritize self-care, you still feel blue? Samantha Ettus, author of The Pie Life, says it might come down to whether or not you feel fulfilled.


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