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Shishi with Rashi

At exactly midnight, Hashem does Makas Bechoros, and the Mitzriyim rush the Yidden out of Mitzrayim!

At exactly midnight, Hashem killed all of the firstborns in Mitzrayim — the firstborn people (including the non-Jewish slaves) and the firstborn animals. The only firstborn who didn’t die was Paraoh, because Hashem wanted him to see the nissim of Kriyas Yam Suf so he will know and tell others that Hashem is in charge.

Paraoh woke up, and then went and woke up all of his servants. All of the Mitzriyim woke up too. Everyone saw that the firstborns had died! In every house, there was at least one person dead. The whole Mitzrayim was full of crying!

Paraoh ran out of the palace in the middle of the night to find Moshe and Aharon right away! He told them that all of the Yidden should leave Mitzrayim, with the adults, the children, and all of their animals! Some of the Yidden were afraid to go out into the desert, but the Mitzriyim told them to hurry and go!

The Yidden didn’t have time to bake bread in the morning, so they just took the raw dough and their leftover matzah and maror from the Korban Pesach. They carried this on their backs, because they wanted to carry a mitzvah! They asked the Mitzriyim for their gold and silver and clothes for the way, and put them on their donkeys. The women also took tambourines, because they were sure Hashem would make nissim, and they wanted to be ready to sing and dance!

Moshe made sure to take Yosef’s aron out of the Nilus, like Yosef was promised, and brought the aronos of the other Shevatim. The Yidden also brought the trees Yaakov had planted, to use later for the Mishkan.

Hashem sent a malach to show the Yidden where to go. They all went from Raamses (near Goshen) to a place they would call “Sukos,” near the Yam Suf. Moshe counted the Yidden, and there were about 600,000 men older than 20! (A group of goyim, called the Erev Rav, who wanted to join the Yidden, came too.)

In Sukos, the Yidden baked the dough into matzah. This matzah lasted the Yidden for a month, until the mahn started to fall!

If you count, you will see that the Yidden were in Golus in Mitzrayim for 210 years, 430 years since the Bris Bein Habesarim, when Hashem told Avraham that his children would go into Golus. At exactly the end, Hashem took the Yidden out! They didn’t stay in Golus for one minute longer than they needed to.

Forever, this night of Yetziyas Mitzrayim is called “Leil Shimurim” — a night Hashem protects us.

At the end of today’s Chumash, there are some more mitzvos about the Korban Pesach: Only Yidden who believe in Hashem can eat the Korban Pesach, or a slave who belongs to a Yid. But, they all need to have a bris. And, it is asur to break any of the bones of the korban

All of the Yidden did what Hashem asked.



29 - 34

Today’s Tehillim is kapitelach Chof-Tes through Lamed-Daled.

In the last perek of today’s Tehillim, Dovid Hamelech tells us “Sur Me’Ra, Va’asei Tov, Bakeish Shalom Verodfeihu” — “turn away from bad, and do good, and work hard to make shalom.”

The Baal Shem Tov explains that in every gashmius’dike thing in this world, there’s a part that’s good and a part which is bad. The Gashmius on its own (without being used for a holy purpose) is bad. The good is the chayus of Hashem which gives life to this gashmius’dike thing.

The posuk is telling us about the attitude a person should have to Gashmius. A person who is using Gashmius needs to be a “Sur Me’Ra” — someone who turns away from bad. He shouldn’t want the pleasure that he gets from the gashmius. Instead he should be “Asei Tov” — choose to want to be helped by the chayus of Hashem that is inside.

Then, when his attitude is correct, because he isn’t using the gashmius for selfish reasons, he should try to make shalom with the chayus of Hashem and the gashmius thing. How does he do that? By using the gashmius for the reasons Hashem wants it to be used — for doing mitzvos and for having koach to be able to serve Hashem!

Hayom Yom Hey Menachem Av, Sefer Hamaamarim of the Friediker Rebbe, Yiddish, page 75



Likutei Amarim Perek Yud-Zayin

Yesterday, we said that a beinoni is able to use his mind to get his heart excited about doing Hashem’s Torah and mitzvos. That’s what the posuk means, “Ki Karov Eilecha Hadavar Me’od” — it’s possible for every Yid to serve Hashem with all of his heart!

But, the Alter Rebbe says, a Rasha who did a lot of aveiros and let his Yetzer Hara be in control of him too much, can get a punishment — that he won’t be able to act like a beinoni! His mind won’t be able to have enough koach to get the person to want to serve Hashem! He won’t be able to use the natural koach of Moach Shalit Al Halev to be in control of his behavior.

But that doesn’t mean that he will never be able to serve Hashem, chas veshalom! It just means that right now, he can’t serve Hashem so well. But when he does Teshuvah, and feels bad about what he did, and decides to act differently, Hashem will give him back this important koach!

Do you know who is a good example of that? Paraoh!

Paraoh had a lot of chutzpah to Hashem! He had a “mitzvah” to let the Yidden out of Mitzrayim, but he kept on saying no.

Hashem said that He won’t help Paraoh to do the “mitzvah” he was supposed to do! But in the end, Paraoh got Makos, which broke his chutzpah, and that helped him do Teshuvah. In the end, not only was he was able to tell the Yidden to go out, but later he was even able to teach about Hashem, when he became a king in Ninveh.



Hey Shevat

In today’s Hayom Yom, we learn how important it is to use our koach of speaking to always say words of Torah!

In a maamar that starts with the words “Bidvar Hashem Shomayim Naasu,” the Friediker Rebbe explains what it means that Hashem created the world with dibur. Then, the Friediker Rebbe says that the reason why Hashem created the world with dibur is so a Yid should use his dibur to strengthen the world that Hashem created with dibur!

In the second half of that maamar, the Friediker Rebbe mentions what happens to the neshama after it finishes its job in this world. If a person wasted his time and talked a lot of narishkeit, the neshama needs a special cleaning called Chibut Hakever and Kaf Hakela. Today’s Hayom Yom is the last few lines of that maamar:

A person needs to say many words of Torah, (like to say Tehillim or review Mishnayos) whenever and wherever he can! This way it will strengthen the world (because this is why Hashem created it), it will save him from needing Chibut Hakever and Kaf Hakela, and his neshama will be able to appreciate Elokus.



Mitzvas Asei #127

Today we learn again the same mitzvah we learned yesterday: We need to take Maaser Rishon, 1/10th of the food that we grow, and give it to the Leviim. We learn about this mitzvah in Mesechta Maasros.



Hilchos Maaser

Perek Zayin: One of the halachos we learn in this perek is that if we decide that certain fruits will be maaser, we aren’t allowed to switch it for different fruits.

Perek Ches: What happens if what was set aside for maaser got mixed up? One halacha is that if a person has 100 barrels of wine, and decided that one of them is maaser but forgot which one, he takes some of the wine from each of the barrels and mixes it together! Then he gives that wine for maaser.

Perek Tes: We learn about demai — food that we’re not sure if maaser was taken or not. If an Am Ha’aretz (someone who doesn’t know halacha) says that he took maaser, the food is demai, which means we aren’t sure that the maaser was actually taken right. There are many halachos of what to do with this demai.



Hilchos Isurei Mizbeiach - Perek Hey

We learn about the mitzvah of not bringing a korban with honey or Chometz, and other kinds of things we can’t use for korbanos — like using stolen wood for the fire on the Mizbeiach. We also learn about using salt with the Korban.




We are less than a week before Yud Shevat, the day the Rebbe became Rebbe. Today we will learn about the connection a Nasi has with his dor in all of their inyonim.

When the Yidden were in the Midbar, Hashem gave them everything they needed! The Chachomim tell us that it was in the zechus of their Nasi, Moshe Rabbeinu.

At first, the mahn was in Moshe’s zechus, the Ananei Hakavod (clouds) were in Aharon’s zechus, and the water was in Miriam’s zechus. When Aharon and Miriam passed away, they came back in Moshe’s zechus.

That shows us that not just the Ruchnius things that the Yidden needed came through Moshe, but EVERYTHING comes through the Nasi!

The same thing is true by a Rebbe! He doesn’t only teach us Torah and how to serve Hashem, but all of the Gashmius things that Yidden need come to us also through the zechus and brachos of the Rebbe.

See Sichos Kodesh, Leil Simchas Torah, Tof-Shin-Yud-Ches


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Vehaya Im Shamoa

The Tzemach Tzedek explains the difference between Shema and Vehaya Im Shamoa:

A neshama has two different kinds of feelings.

The first, “Ratzui,” is how the neshama wants to be Ruchnius’dik and feel close to Hashem.

Then there is “Shuv,” how the neshama realizes that Hashem put it into the Gashmius’dike world for a reason, and that it has a shlichus to do here, with Torah and mitzvos.

When we say Shema, it is a time when our neshama feels Ratzui. It thinks about how nothing exists except for Hashem, and all it wants is to feel close to Hashem!

Then in Vehaya Im Shamoa, the neshama remembers that it has a shlichus in the world. It needs to gather all of the sparks of kedusha which are in the Gashmius’dike things in the world. This is something it can only do by doing mitzvos with Gashmius.

See Sefer Halikutim os Kuf, p. 228




The halacha is that children — boys or girls — who understand the inyan of Shabbos have a mitzvah for Chinuch to make Kiddush or be yotzei Kiddush by hearing it from someone else.

If a child is making his own Kiddush, it is important to know how much wine or grape juice he needs to drink! The halacha is that a person who makes Kiddush needs to drink at least a Melo Lugmav, enough to fill up one cheek. But this isn’t the same size for everyone, it goes by the actual size of your cheek! So a small child, who has a small cheek, doesn’t need to drink much at all when he makes Kiddush.

But even though he doesn’t need to DRINK very much, we still need to make sure that the Kiddush cup is the right size. The smallest size for a kosher Kiddush cup is a Revi’is, and even a child should use at least this size, even if he will only drink a small part of it.

Baed on the audio halacha shiurim of Rabbi Farkash, and see Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, siman Reish-Ayin-Alef, se’if Chof-Daled

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



Comparing the Geulah to Yetziyas Mitzrayim

The Navi says, “Kimei Tzeis’cah Me’Eretz Mitzrayim Arenu Niflaos.” In the time of the Geulah, Hashem will show us nisim like when we came out of Mitzrayim.

From here we learn that the Geulah from Mitzrayim is an example for the Geulah of Moshiach!

Here is one way that they are the same:

It says about Yetziyas Mitzrayim that it came in the zechus of the women — Bizchus Noshim Tzidkonios Nigalu Avoseinu. Moshiach will also come in the zechus of the Noshim Tzidkonios (righteous women) of our times!

That is why the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe were very careful to make sure that women have a very good Chinuch. Especially compared to the Rebbeim in other generations, they gave so much of their time and kochos for this! There were special letters, sichos and horaos just for the women, to help make sure that the Noshim of our times will be Noshim Tzidkonios, who will bring Moshiach in their zechus.

See Sefer Hasichos Nun-Beis p. 300

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לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק
נפטר ב' מנחם אב ה'תשע"ג

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