It's once again time for the cuteness of Tummy Rub Tuesday and of course all of our other latest posts and giveaways! :D
The newsletter as always is packed full with your favourite cats, competitions and other fun cat related stories.
Have you signed up for our new Forumdedicated to cat lovers and cat guardians and we would love to see you all there. To get straight to the registration page please click here.
Competitions and giveaways:
The winners of our previous giveaways can be found in the Hall of Fame.
A new giveaway will start tonight at 7pm UK time so keep an eye on the blog!
We hope you are enjoying our posts and if you have any suggestions do let us know!
We hope you are enjoying our posts and if you have any suggestions do let us know!
As always if you'd like to enter TRT just send us a photo of your cat with where you'd like to link to as photo credit. Of course we also welcome complete guest stories so if you have a story of your own cat or other relevant cat story you would like to publish do let us know. :)
In the 01/15/2019 edition are the following excerpts of last week's posts:
Hello everyone, Welcome to another week of Tummy Rub Tuesday! Oh, and if you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter yet, why not sign up by clicking here to never miss a TRT again. We have setup a Katzenworld Forum and would like to encourage everyone to make their entries for Tummy Rub Tuesday on our dedicated [...]
The Finding of a Therapy Cat: a series about Tinkerbelle, Registered Pet Partner Therapy Cat (retired) and our journey together. By Mollie Hunt Part 25: Down Time What does a therapy cat do when she’s not visiting her fans? In Tinkerbelle’s case, she’s no different than other cats in that she eats, sleeps, and plays. [...]
Hi everyone, Who would have ever thought that’d be writing about something kind of like a Dating app! The Swdish insurance company Sveland Djurförsäkringar had a brilliant idea by creating Kattis, a social app that’s kind of like Tinder for homeless cats in shelters all across Sweden. We looked at it and thought wouldn’t it be [...]
Back in 2005, an adorable orange cat showed up at our front door. At the time, we had a nativity scene set up for Christmas so I always say she went to Jesus for help. I finally decided in 2014 to write a story about her, but it took until this year to find a [...]
Hi everyone, Following on from our story on the PDSA Pet Survivor of the Year 2018 we are pleased to announce that little Dexter, Nubia’s purrsonal favourite won! 😀 Full details below. A miracle cat from Cornwall who survived a horrific attack when he was shot through the mouth has won a national vote to [...]
How To Safely Use Essential Oils Around Cats by Emma Carter Have you ever wondered how your cat feels when you’re using essential oils in your home? Some aromatherapy oils are dangerous to the wellbeing of your cat due to their chemical compositions. Cats and humans are different! Cats can very easily perceive the smell [...]
Raining Cats and Dogs Our Thanksgiving three years ago is a holiday we will remember for a long time. Instead of counting our blessings that Thanksgiving, we were counting our unexpected holiday guests. That’s the year that it really did rain ‘cats and dogs’ – well, at least cats. November 2015 was the wettest November [...]
Cassie is small, she was the runt of her litter, a tiny snow bengal , but don’t make the mistake of thinking that her size makes her a push over! Oh no! Inside that adorable, cute little cat beats the heart of a tyrant. A benevolent one to be sure but one with an iron [...]
Hi everyone, It’s me, Rennie and my sister, Freya here today with a new cat food to try out! Rennie: Yes!!!! Packaging I can play with. 😀 Nubia: Shouldn’t you know by now that… the packaging is NOT for you to be consumed… wait for the humans to unpack it. Rennie: But but… now it’s all [...]
Hi everyone, Please find below the latest entry in Purrsday Poetry by SUSAN RUSSELL: If not, For those of you, Who get The profundity In the simplicity: “If not you, then who?” There wouldn’t be a soul, To translate the silent tongue, No one wants to speak, Of the seldom seen, Indeed, those whom No one [...]
Have you seen our Online Shop yet? From cool cat toys to purrfect handbags and wallets there is something for everyone! :D And what's even better as a Newsletter subscriber you get 15% off on most items this month by entering katzenworld15 during checkout!