
Lunch Program: New Years’ Toast

Michael Cottam

On Tuesday, January 8 2019, Neil Bryant will be kicking off the New Year with our New Year’s Toast.

Join us from noon till 1:15 at the Riverhouse (the restaurant side, NOT the Convention Center).

Vocational Committee

Happy New Year! As a new member I was speaking with Bruce regarding committees and he suggested I head up a Vocational Committee. I agreed and here we are.

In brief we are going to develop a program that educates our community’s youth on different career options and helps them achieve their career goals. I spoke with many of you at the Xmas party and every conversation presented another idea that would benefit the program. After the meeting this week we are going to have a brainstorming session. If you have ideas on how to engage the community in terms of business or our youth please stay and share. If you don’t have time please share your ideas in email or give me a call. I invite all new members to participate and join the committee. This is going to be a fun exciting program.

Life is Good!

Elizabeth Ueland



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