"Spotlight on Special Needs Trusts"
Thursday, July 11th
4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
at PETRUSHA LAW, 2826 E Street

Do you have a child or loved one with a disability? Are you concerned about preserving his or her future inheritance to provide supplemental support without jeopardizing important government benefits such as SSI and Medi-Cal?
In this free workshop, local attorney Angela Petrusha will explain how a Special (or Supplemental) Needs Trust may be the best solution. These trusts are specifically designed to protect your loved one’s benefits, ensure proper care, and enhance quality of life by allocating the use of funds appropriately. We will discuss trustee selection, care management, optional provisions, ABLE accounts, and more. 

Please fill out the information below to confirm your registration for our workshop Thursday, July 11th from 4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. If you plan on bringing a guest be sure to indicate how many extra seats to reserve. Thank you!
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