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God’s Remnant Church Divided: What Does the Future Hold? (New eBook Bundle)

Hello <<First Name>>,

January 21, 2019

I want to preface this important E-News by saying that I realize that many of you (who read my updates) are Christians from different denominations. I am glad for this. I hope my reports are a blessing to you. As most of you know, the raging topic of gender distinctions is not only dividing society-at-large, but also almost every denomination under the sun, including Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish congregations.

Few can escape such controversies.

To be honest with you, the same controversies are now taking place within my own church, which is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which I firmly believe is a church that has been divinely commissioned by God Himself to preach the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14:6-12 to the entire world. There is no other church on Planet Earth (that I am aware of) that is boldly teaching these three angels’ messages worldwide. This is why Satan is attacking us—big time. Read Revelation 12:17.

The fact that Adventists are wrestling with this controversy shouldn’t surprise anyone. Adventists are faulty humans too (just like everyone else), and are not immune to such conflicts. Our particular controversy concerns the issue of women being ordained to the gospel ministry. During three worldwide SDA General Conference Sessions (1990, 1995, 2015), this issue was voted upon by Adventist leaders. Each time, the majority said “No” to women’s ordination—not out of disrespect for women, but out of respect for God’s Word. In Scripture, women were never ordained as priests. Unfortunately, within our church there is a sizable faction that refuses to accept those votes. This is what has created somewhat of a crisis inside our ranks.

That said, this E-News is primarily directed for Adventists (although anyone can “tune in” if you wish). White Horse Media has just released a major “eBook Bundle” on this topic, which includes my new ebook entitled, God’s Remnant Church Divided: What Does the Future Hold?, which includes the eBook, plus an audio eBook, plus a separate audio message of mine called, “I AM Ready for the Future. Really? Lessons from Peter.” Anyone who is interested can learn more by visiting our new website, 

On the main page, a short video explains everything:

What others are saying…

[Reviewer] Wow! I couldn’t stop reading it!—Junie Christensen

[Facebook comment] Wow, just incredible and amazing. Will certainly be sharing this. Jesus is coming very soon! Praying for God’s guidance and blessings as He has raised you up for such a time as this. G.G.

[Facebook comment] Pastor Wohlberg, Please tell your production team that it [the video on] looked and sounded great. May God continue to bless you and White Horse Media. F.P.

[Reviewer] A must-read for those who want a fair, balanced booklet on the issues facing each Seventh-day Adventist.—Barbara Taylor

[Reviewer] A must-read for all who are preparing for the soon return of Jesus.—Kevin Bryant, MD

[Reviewer] God’s Remnant Church Divided is a short, clear, balanced summary of what is currently taking place in the Seventh-day Adventist Church today…The issue of authority lies at the heart of this division, just as it has from the beginning of the Great Controversy.—Pastor Jim Anderson

[Email comment] Just wanted to drop a line to let you know how much I appreciate your new book. I purchased it last night and listened to the audio book and sermon. Satan’s goal is to divide and conquer and you lay it out well. I’m recommending it to my friends. M.P.

[Facebook comment] I just ordered the ebook. It dawned on me that the link Steve gave is a perfect way we can share this information with others and this solved a real problem for me. I have not gone into our church split with my daughter, sister, or sons or anyone for that matter, not knowing how to bring this shameful reality to them in a way that would possibly not discourage them or bring reproach on our church. I now have the factual information…I was impressed with the concise, clear, and kind manner in which he spoke to share this info to those who need to know what is happening... L.

[Facebook comment] I posted it publicly on Facebook. The ebook is an earnest appeal that calls us back to what it really means to be a Seventh-day Adventist, a Bible-believing, Bible-practicing soul saved and sanctified by grace, and boldly proclaiming these heavenly messages of the 3 angels. D.K.

“On this Rock I will build My Church,” our Savior said, “and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18. Nothing can stop Jesus Christ, His Gospel, His Word, and His three angels’ messages.

To learn more, visit 

May Jesus Christ prepare our hearts to enter His Heavenly Kingdom.

Steve Wohlberg

Pastor Steve Wohlberg

Speaker/Director | White Horse Media



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