Carpentry Clippings, 23 January 2019
Highlights from The Carpentries Community Calendar
Our newly structured series of Community Calls continue to be added to our calendar, including pre/post workshop discussion sessions and a special Carpentries Conversation: What Happens During a Code of Conduct Investigation? on 31 January at 1500 UTC and 2000 UTC. Carpentries community members are welcome to attend any of these events, and any event will count towards our certification requirements for instructors-in-training.
Committee and Task Force News
Instructor Trainers
The January Trainers meeting included a staff review of the state of instructor training, as well as Trainers discussion about where we’re headed in 2019. In recent months, our Trainer community has been growing fast, greatly expanding our geographic reach. We’ve also changed how we run instructor training events, with member sites and open applicants joining the same events. With this comes a streamlining of how we administer these events on the backend. During our Community discussion time, Trainers voiced concerns over internet connection problems with online training events and inquired about options for support where a co-trainer isn’t available during their non-teaching time. There was also substantial interest in the ways that Trainers can play the role of Carpentries Champion at their home institution. We look forward to discussing these topics more in 2019!
Lesson Maintainers
The Carpentries Lesson Maintainers discussed proposed changes to their meeting format, including making their meetings “office hours” -- dedicated time to work through GitHub PRs and discuss issues with fellow Maintainers. These may also include short presentations by Maintainers about the technical and social aspects of lesson maintenance. Opportunities to sign up for leading a session will be announced on the mailing list in advance of our next meeting.
In addition, Library Carpentry continues to meet with a dedicated group of maintainers as they join The Carpentries as an official lesson program. In recent meeting, this team discussed communication channels, workflows, and the status of all existing lessons.
Onboarding for Social Sciences Lessons
If you were unable to attend any of the recent Social Sciences onboarding sessions, but still want to teach the material, we have posted an onboarding video to our YouTube channel. Instructors who complete onboarding will have priority status for teaching opportunities with this curriculum. Email Erin Becker if you have any questions.
What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists
There was an active discussion on the discuss email list asking for ideas for assessment of a group-based data analysis project. We blogged about a new role for one of our staff members, our new Instructor Trainers cohort, and about our newest Spanish language lesson translations. Library Carpentry blogged about lesson implementation and the work of the governance group.
Tweet of the Week

Community Job postings
Curriculum Fellows Program at Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Course Product Manager: Math, Lumen, Portland, OR, USA
Other places to connect
Have something you’d like to have included? Send it to